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Re: [ft] mactype and vac bann

From: suzuki toshiya
Subject: Re: [ft] mactype and vac bann
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2017 13:52:28 +0900
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I've never heard of "VAC bann" - after googling, I guess it
might be "Valve Anti-Cheat" by a gaming platform "Steam".

If it is what you mean, I could not say anything. I believe
most FreeType2 developers have no intention to insert any
tricky works into FreeType2, because FreeType2 is just the
font rasterizer. But I don't know how Steam maintainers judge
whether a given program is cheating or not, so they may or
may not take FreeType2 as a cheating program component.

If Steam maintainers know any security holes (or overlooked
malicious codes) in FreeType2, most FreeType2 developers
want to know and fix them. But I don't know how Steam maintainers
comment on FreeType2, at all, really at all. And I'm afraid
they don't want to disclose how a program is judged.


BTW, one of the possible relationship might be...

+ today, TrueType fonts are very very popular resource,
so most platforms have builtin font rasterizers. maybe you
know many people who never installed font rasterizer by
themselves but they use TrueType fonts.

+ but, some people dislike the result of builtin rasterizer
and trying to insert FreeType2 to system font rasterization

+ it might be looking like an attempt to cheat the system
program, even if it does not affect the game itself.


On 2017/03/02 8:50, fila dephia wrote:
can this softtware cause VAC bann ? reading in some article that
this software is using "hook to the program" method, and usually VAC
detects this method as a attempt for cheating @address@hidden can you guys
confirm this ?

im searching on the net but still can't find the answer, hope you guys
can clear this up.
sorry for my english @.@


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