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ftbench update: make integrated

From: Ahmet Göksu
Subject: ftbench update: make integrated
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 18:10:42 +0300

I want to inform about last update about ftbench. Make is integrated with baseline, benchmark and clean-benchmark targets. developed a python script that creates a html file for benchmark too.

make baseline: compiles the ftbench.c file and creates a baseline in the src/tools/ftbench/ dir.
make benchmark: creates a benchmark in the src/tools/ftbench/ dir and a html file called benchmark.html in top directory.
make clean-benchmark: deletes the compiled c file, baseline, benchmark dirs and benchmark.html in top directory.

a) src/tools/ftbench/ 
the ftbench.c file is here. .h file and html creator python script is in src directory. fonts are in their own directory but 5 fonts takes really much time. so i am working with only one font file and the rest are in deactivated dir.

created and added a line "include $(TOP_DIR)/builds/” to
i defined the python as python3 for my machine in edit if that cause any problem.

1) benchmark is running by only one font. i have total 5 but takes too long. how many should benchmark work with and should i subset fonts to smaller pieces (like 50 glyphs)?
2) does the html file satisfy the needs?
3) i am planning to move to develop and integrating cmake and meson. is there anything forgotten so far?


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