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Re: ftview segfault on ArefRuqaaInk-Regular.ttf (one of google web fonts

From: Ben Wagner
Subject: Re: ftview segfault on ArefRuqaaInk-Regular.ttf (one of google web fonts)
Date: Tue, 23 May 2023 17:18:53 -0400

For testing SVG, Skia has an OT-SVG testing font. [0] This font is more or less a reconstruction from the examples in the Open type specification. However, it also does interesting things with the em and view box to ensure those are handled correctly.


On Tue, May 23, 2023, 4:39 PM Hin-Tak Leung <> wrote:
I don't know why glyf and svg differs from about gid 119 onwards, but I intend to add the color toggle flag to ftgrid to find out.... surprised it is not in ftgrid yet!

On Wednesday, 24 May 2023 at 00:22:17 GMT+8, Hin-Tak Leung <> wrote:

To not break the other SVG color fonts I have, this refinement (the viewbox part) seems to work better:

+ if ((out_has_viewbox != TRUE) &&
+ (((int)out_width.length == 1) && ((int)out_height.length == 1))) {
+ x_svg_to_out /= units_per_EM;
+ y_svg_to_out /= units_per_EM;
+ }

Beside this sets of arabic fonts, I only have two other svg color fonts - EmojiOne Color bundled with photoshop, and a work-in-progress svg font shared privately from Adobe folks at the beginning of my adding basic SVG support to FontVal. So both of those could be considered made with Adobe-related tech. Both of those have viewbox TRUE.

come to think of it, this font's sampler on google fonts looks a bit odd - I think the horizontal metrices might be a bit buggy. (or freetype not quite happy with laying them out horizontally). regarding toggling between svg and glyf at for gids 300-470 at 72 ppem
On Tuesday, 23 May 2023, 16:57:52 BST, Hin-Tak Leung <> wrote:

After hacking scale factor of 1000 out, the first few pages of glpyhs are identical, but toggling glyphs in the higher up (gid 300-470) at 72em, they don't quite line up - horizontally moved. It seems to have color glyphs to about 470, after that 470 to 1138 are just b/w.

On Tuesday, 23 May 2023 at 23:40:29 GMT+8, Hin-Tak Leung <> wrote:

On Tuesday, 23 May 2023, 05:25:27 BST, Werner LEMBERG <> wrote:

> Please give more details, using valgrind options `--leak-check=full`
> and `--show-leak-kinds=all` together with setting environment variable
> `FT2_DEBUG=any:7`.

Actually FT2_DEBUG=any:7 was enough to see what the problem is. The svg code path is trying to do bitmaps
1000x1000 bigger than the glyf code path (compare the same glyph - I only get only about 7 glyphs for 400 ppem).

If I insert into src/rsvg-port.c , around line 255, something like the below, I can toggle between b/w and more or less correctly:

/* Scale factors from SVG coordinates to the needed output size. */
x_svg_to_out = (double)metrics.x_ppem / dimension_svg.width;
y_svg_to_out = (double)metrics.y_ppem / dimension_svg.height;

+ if (((int)out_width.length == 1) && ((int)out_height.length == 1)) {
+ x_svg_to_out /= units_per_EM;
+ y_svg_to_out /= units_per_EM;
+ }
* Create a cairo recording surface. This is done for two reasons.
* Firstly, it is required to get the bounding box of the final drawing

I think I remember seeing somewhere that a width and height =1 is special, in the opentype spec? what width and height do you get in this location?


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