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Re: Compile FreeType Demos with static linking

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: Compile FreeType Demos with static linking
Date: Sat, 03 Jul 2021 18:40:17 +0000 (UTC)

>> I just wanted to know if it is possible to compile the FreeType
>> demos with static linking?
> Yes, for example with
>   cd freetype-demos
>   meson subprojects update
>   meson setup --default-library static build
>   meson compile -C build
> Of course, this only links the FreeType library statically into the
> binary.  Note that you will probably still see '' in
> the list of dynamically linked libraries: This happens if the
> HarfBuzz library is linked dynamically, which in turn needs
> FreeType.

This is fixed now; the following simpler incantation should work.

  cd freetype-demos
  meson subprojects update
  meson setup build
  meson compile -C build

Note that some meson subproject options can only be seen after running
`meson setup build`.  For example, if you do

  cd freetype-demos
  meson configure

you can see

  Subproject freetype2:

    Project options         Default Value  Possible Values
    ---------------         -------------  ---------------
    freetype2:brotli        auto           [enabled, disabled, auto]
    freetype2:bzip2         auto           [enabled, disabled, auto]
    freetype2:harfbuzz      auto           [enabled, disabled, auto]
    freetype2:mmap          auto           [enabled, disabled, auto]
    freetype2:png           auto           [enabled, disabled, auto]
    freetype2:tests         disabled       [enabled, disabled, auto]
    freetype2:zlib          auto           [enabled, disabled, auto]

If you do

  cd freetype-demos
  meson setup build
  cd build
  meson configure

you additionally see

  Core options              Current Value  Possible Values
  ------------              -------------  ---------------
  freetype2:default_library static         [shared, static, both]
  freetype2:warning_level   1              [0, 1, 2, 3]
  freetype2:werror          false          [true, false]


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