Hello Alexei, Werner,
> Since you and Alexei agree on 8bit being enough: Please change to
> 8bit!
I have made the relevant changes in both freetype and freetype-demos.
Please check the patches below. I have trimmed the 16bit 6.10 value to
normalized 8 bit values.
As for freetype-demos, I need to change a major part of it since most of it
is just hacks. I'm already rewriting the demo, it's going a bit slow due to other
stuff I have in my hands right now. I'll send it as soon as I can.
Also, the demo programs are not compiling due to missing `gdiplus` dependency.
Please add it as well:
diff --git a/graph/win32/rules.mk b/graph/win32/rules.mk
index 2dd0f14..6287345 100644
--- a/graph/win32/rules.mk
+++ b/graph/win32/rules.mk
@@ -28,19 +28,19 @@ ifeq ($(PLATFORM),windows)
# now update COMPILE_GRAPH_LIB according to the compiler used on Win32
ifeq ($(firstword $(CC)),gcc) # test for GCC
- GRAPH_LINK += -luser32 -lgdi32
+ GRAPH_LINK += -luser32 -lgdi32 -lgdiplus
ifeq ($(findstring $(CC),cl icl), $(CC)) # test for Visual C++ & Intel C++
COMPILE_GRAPH_LIB = lib /nologo /out:$(subst /,$(COMPILER_SEP),$(GRAPH_LIB) $(GRAPH_OBJS))
LINK = cl /nologo /MD /Fe$(subst /,$(COMPILER_SEP),$@ $< $(FTLIB))
- GRAPH_LINK += user32.lib gdi32.lib
+ GRAPH_LINK += user32.lib gdi32.lib gdiplus.lib
ifeq ($(CC),lcc) # test for LCC-Win32
LINK = lcclnk -o $(subst /,$(COMPILER_SEP),$@ $< $(FTLIB))
- GRAPH_LINK += user32.lib gdi32.lib
+ GRAPH_LINK += user32.lib gdi32.lib gdiplus.lib
ifeq ($(CC),bcc32) # test for Borland C++