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Re: GSoC

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: GSoC
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2021 12:04:54 +0200 (CEST)

Hello Aman,

> I have read archive on orgs. Mailing list.  I have some doubts, as
> this year's GSoC time is reduced to half, which implies that project
> should be smaller, and what sarthak have stated in his earlier mail
> (four or five points), is quite tough to be completed in such a
> short span of time, that is migrating CI, improving UI and
> comparison sol. apart from that if one will approach towards what
> one of the mentors have suggested i.e image generation it will be
> quite hectic to manage in only 10 weeks and also to adjust in your
> proposal's timeline.

I assume that you are talking about the project

  Develop a test framework for checking FreeType's rendering output

right?  If this is the case, I disagree with your conclusions.  Thanks
to the similar GSoC project last year, there should only be
incremental improvements necessary and not the need to start from
scratch.  As far as I can see, the migration of the CI to the gitlab
instance at is 100 to 200 lines of code, improving the
UI is basically a few hundred lines of CSS.  This can be done over a

Note also that it is up to the student to write a proposal that fits
his or her capabilities, possibly selecting only a subset of the
project as described on our GSoC page.  It's part of GSoC that
students estimate the necessary time for something – as in real life
projects, if you are going to work for a company, say.

> Or is there any probability that for a single project there can be
> more than one students in GSoC(many orgs do so).  I think this can
> create some good condition to work on, as for rest of the projects
> stated in the list, i haven't seen too many students approaching so
> far.  That will be beneficial for the smooth process.

Basically I don't mind if there are two students who want to split a
suggested project into two subprojects.  Note, however, that GSoC
doesn't allow real collaboration: The students must write separate
proposals that must *not* refer to each other, must code by
themselves, etc., etc.  It is a non-trivial task to cleanly define
such non-interfering subprojects.

> P.S- I have not seen his proposal yet but i am assuming he have
> mentioned it all that he have stated in his mails for freetype.
> And i will also be sharing my proposal draft very soon.



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