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Re: [ft-devel] Old URLs breaking with the Update

From: armin
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] Old URLs breaking with the Update
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2019 13:49:40 -0000

>> The latest update (to the new, superhot docs :D) breaks all old URLs 
>> (Google as well as my personal bookmarks) due to an additional `site/' 
>> in them.
>> Old:
>> s.html
>> New:
>> values
>> .html
>> Please ignore this if the changes were deliberately.
> It was a deliberate change, but hmm.  Nikhil, do you have a suggestion?

If things are too complicated for what it's worth, we could put a simple 301
forwarding from `non-site' to `site' into an `.htaccess' file somewhere in
that tree (granted that `.htaccess' is not in any way blocked by the hosting
server).  I could provide that file, if needed :)


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