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Re: [ft-devel] Fwd: buiding ttfautohint with cmake?

From: Cosimo Lupo
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] Fwd: buiding ttfautohint with cmake?
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2017 14:57:35 +0000

IMO, what matters is not which specific memory allocator/deallocator is used (whether the defaults, or user provided ones), but that they match with one another (they are defined by the same library).

That’s why I like the simplicity of a TTF_autohint_done function.

That’s just a one liner.



Il 13 dic 2017, 13:44 +0000, Werner LEMBERG , ha scritto:

Hello Tom!

Have you considered CFFI? [1]

This might make things a little easier, but I am not sure since I
don't have as much experience with that as I do ctypes. Or are you
more or less married to ctypes?

Well, I guess this doesn't make a difference on the ttfautohint
library side... So I still have to decide whether to add pointers to
allocation and deallocation functions, or to add an explicit
`TTF_autohint_done' function.


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