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Re: [ft-devel] Something in 2.6.4 broke my windows (Re: Freetype-devel D

From: Hin-Tak Leung
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] Something in 2.6.4 broke my windows (Re: Freetype-devel Digest, Vol 138, Issue 9)
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2016 16:56:05 +0000 (UTC)

I don't seem to have the very beginning of this thread so it is a bit difficult 
to see what's going on, anyway, there are
a few things I like to respond to...

On Thu, 7/7/16, address@hidden <address@hidden> wrote:

 From: Nikolaus Waxweiler <address@hidden>

> I think everyone with Wine installed has Microsoft's fonts

That's not true - BTW, I keep my wine installation quite up to date to wine's 
bi-weekly release schedule. My wine install has a couple of 
permanently-non-streamed patches, so I upgrade about once a month. Wine has had 
its own version of the MS fonts for many years now. They work okay, and are 
metric-identical to their genuine counter parts, I think. I do have the genuine 
Microsoft fonts in my hard disk, but they are not hooked up to my display 
system, at all.
My display system uses the wine version of those fonts.

> I don't know of a clean way to handle this in FreeType and I
 have little interest in bringing the "old" look back to the
 as I'm more of a DirectWrite/ClearType person :)

That was what I was commenting on a few days ago - while it is nice to merge 
all the hard work - it seems  a bit drastic to switch it on by default.

I do have  a patch sitting in my hard disk which revert the default change (and 
still keeping the capability to switch it on via property_set).
it is just this:
commit ea9763c8ec26dd009121afae27823c7cf5fe5386
Author: Hin-Tak Leung <address@hidden>
Date:   Wed Jul 6 02:13:19 2016 +0100

    Do not switch on subpixel-hinting even if compiled in

diff --git a/src/truetype/ttobjs.c b/src/truetype/ttobjs.c
index ed3be2d..fb4dc63 100644
--- a/src/truetype/ttobjs.c
+++ b/src/truetype/ttobjs.c
@@ -1289,10 +1289,14 @@
     driver->interpreter_version = TT_INTERPRETER_VERSION_35;
+    /*
     driver->interpreter_version = TT_INTERPRETER_VERSION_38;
+    */
+    /*
     driver->interpreter_version = TT_INTERPRETER_VERSION_40;
+    */

 From: Werner LEMBERG <address@hidden>

> Hmm.  I can imagine to have (optional) environment
 variable support in
 FreeType to provide default values for font driver
 properties, e.g.
       cff:no-stem-darkening=1 \

The original poster appears to want it system-wide, from the later post :-). I 
think he needs my patch above...

> What do you think?  Due to a linking problem on OS X I
 have to release
 a new FreeType version quite soon, and I could add this
 rather easily
 by implementing a hook into `FT_Init_FreeType' that simply

I have just finished cross-compiling libpng for Mac OS X (which freetype 
depends on) and about to cross compile freetype for OS X also. What's the 
issue? I probably will find out in an hour or two when I get to it? 

 From: "Martin \"eto\" Misuth" <address@hidden>
> Strange thing about this is, that gtk2 program and qt5
 program windows don't
 explode, and such applications display fonts in window
 controls normally, but
 Gecko engines and some things (yes, I am too lazy check
 again) do have problems,

Much of Freetype's behavior is dynamically changeable, so application which 
depends on it can make their own choices. Maybe it is just gtk2 + qt5 chose 
differently from gecko.

 > I was reffering to this email from Werner I found:
Yes, the infinality special font treatment list is in src/truetype/ttsubpix.c

 > And, well it breaks rendering to almost unreadable levels
 indeed. So I would
 say it is kind of "critical".
You could always downgrade freetype back to 2.6.3, you know :-). There is a 
price to pay staying *too* up-to-date...

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