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Re: [ft-devel] ttfautohint 0.4 has been released

From: Adam Twardoch (List)
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] ttfautohint 0.4 has been released
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 21:19:11 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20110929 Thunderbird/7.0.1

On 11-10-27 20:35, vernon adams wrote:
> Hi,
> After some quick tests it seems that the same render issues on iOS &
> printing to postscript printers on OSX remain, or at least partly(?) I
> should later test same font autohinted with v0.3 and look for
> differences/similarities.
> I have put iOS screenshots at
> Shots are from iOS 4.3.3, and i will test iOS5 later.
> I have been looking at the test fonts to see if maybe the font
> outlines or points are causing the issue but they seem healthy and
> render fine on all other scenarios. I have been trying to work out
> which glyph forms are most likely to get malformed but it doesnt seem
> to follow a pattern. Postscript printing on OSX gives the same
> malformations on the same glyphs. 
Oh yeah, the hidden feature of ttfautohint called "ttfautoshred" really
shines now in Adobe Illustrator and InDesign. Shreds much better than in
0.3 ;)

Also, as little as I understand of TrueType hinting, Rogier van Dalen's
great little TrueType hinting debugger
(, Qt-based GPL)
throws various errors on ttfautohint-processed fonts. I have no idea how
realiable this debugger is, but it does open other fonts fine.



May success attend your efforts,
-- Adam Twardoch
(Remove "list." from e-mail address to contact me directly.)

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