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Re: [ft-devel] Type 1C font that is not rendered correctly

From: Jiri Bohac
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] Type 1C font that is not rendered correctly
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2008 23:23:36 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i


> > Sigh.  I really wonder whether I shall break the specification just to
> > support this particular font...

> Well, i'd say it all boils down to how much the breakage implies in terms of 
> work to fix it and if it can break correct fonts and how difficult it'll be 
> to maintain in the future.
> If all that factors are not much negative i think having a happy user is 
> worth 
> it :-)

I'm the reporter of the original bug against poppler:

The PDF is an invoice of the Czech branch of Vodafone, a mobile operator
with approx. 2.7 million users in Czechia. I can estimate that maybe 30
thousand of them may be using Linux and a large percentage of them want
to read their electronic invoices. So it's probably more like 
*20 thousand* potential happy users. They might be using this font in other
countries, I don't know...

So if the workaround does not break other things, we'd be all grateful!



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