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Re: [ft-devel] TrueType font that is not loaded by freetype

From: Albert Astals Cid
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] TrueType font that is not loaded by freetype
Date: Sat, 17 May 2008 00:31:18 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.9

A Dissabte 17 Maig 2008, vàreu escriure:
> > > As others have mentioned already: This font is broken, and I won't
> > > do anything to make FreeType accept it.
> >
> > From experience I know that supporting broken files is painful and
> > unreliable, but i always try to follow the "Be strict in what you
> > generate and be open in what you read" formula.
> Well, yes, but...
> > Anyway, i'm almost sure that nothing i can say will make you change
> > your opinion so I will notify poppler/okular/evince/kpdf users that
> > even Adobe renders their PDF correctly we can not do anything
> > because FreeType developers do not want to be more flexible when
> > loading fonts.
> You are aware of the fact that this last statement is insulting?
Well, i apologize if you feel the statement to be insulting you.

I did not want to insult the great job you guys are doing with freetype. 

But i get bug reports about PDF that render correctly on Adobe and not on 
poppler based readers, and i can't fix them because it's not on my scope of 
fixing things. So i have to close the bugs saying the PDF is malformed and 
there's nothing to do, but you and i know users will not be happy about that. 
Users don't care about malformedness they want things working.

> Tell me a reason to support this broken font!  
To make users happy.

> Where shall I start? 
> Where shall I end?  Perhaps one Acroread version displays it fine, but
> others might not -- different Acroread versions have different
> rendering engines...  And what about the PDF engine of MacOS?  And
> other vendors?
Again, i don't know nothing about fonts, not about the brokeness level of this 
font, not about how difficult would be to make it "work" (like fontforge and 

> Why not fix the application which has created this buggy subsetted
> font?
Of course, but that won't help users that have an already generated PDF.

> It's far more important to implement missing features in 
> FreeType and fix real bugs!
I'm not arguing with you about how you should invest your time, it's your 
project and of course you know which bugs/features are more prioritary for 
the whole of the project.

> Such counter-productive statements are of no help.
Again accept my apologies.

> > By the way, in the future should i send more fonts that i get in
> > poppler/okular/evince/kpdf bugs that FreeType does not render to the
> > list or you prefer to get them via a different channel
> > (bugzilla/somethingElse).
> Please send it to the list.
Will do


>     Werner

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