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Re: [ft-devel] Crash because of invalid use of setjmp

From: Jens Claudius
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] Crash because of invalid use of setjmp
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 20:45:32 -0700 (PDT)

--- address@hidden wrote:
> Although I could find no softwares that calls it,
> ft_validator_run() is published function, so I
> replaced all calling of ft_validator_run() by
> ft_setjmp().
> I think left ft_validator_run() should be replaced
> by some warning-only functions. To avoid unexpected
> crashing, it should not call ft_setjmp().
> Jens, how do you think?

I suggest we remove ft_validator_run() from the library’s exports
altogether, it simply does not work reliably. If we replace it with
function that issues a warning, no one will notice it. By removing the
function people are forced to recompile their application and thus
remove a bug from it. Inconvenient, but necessary I think. And I guess
not too many applications use it anyway as you found out yourself.


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