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[Devel] Courier New rendering bug

From: Suzanne Skinner
Subject: [Devel] Courier New rendering bug
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 01:24:08 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/


I'm still seeing some inferior rendering in the latest freetype, compared to
the older version shipped with XFree86 4.2.0. Refer to for a graphical comparison of lowercase a, v,
and r in 13-point Courier New.

To reproduce this, ftview Courier New at 13-point, DPI 81, with patented
hinting enabled and anti-aliasing disabled. I only have to go down to DPI 80
to see the imperfections disappear. I have tried and tried to convince Xorg to
use a different DPI (-dpi argument, DisplaySize option, NoDDC option...). It
says it's using the new DPI but when it comes to font rendering I get the same
old results :-(


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