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[Devel] [BUG] Can not load the UCS-4 cmap of a Chinese ttf font.

From: James Su
Subject: [Devel] [BUG] Can not load the UCS-4 cmap of a Chinese ttf font.
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2004 11:48:59 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; zh-CN; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031230

  I met a wired issue on a Chinese ttf font, with freetype 2.1.7. This
font has UCS-4 cmap but freetype 2.1.7 can not load it, here is the
output of ftdump:

There is 1 face in this file.

----- Face number: 0 -----

font name entries
   family:     FZMingTiB
   style:      Regular
   postscript: FZXSSB--B51-0

font type entries
   FreeType driver: truetype
   sfnt wrapped:    yes
   type:            scalable
   direction:       horizontal, vertical
   fixed width:     yes
   glyph names:     yes
   EM size:         1024
   global BBox:     (-54,-300):(1080,910)
   ascent:          910
   descent:         -300
   text height:     1210

   0: platform: 1, encoding: 0
   1: platform: 3, encoding: 1

The ft1dump from freetype 1.3.1 shows:

font name table entries

FZMingTiB - 1.00

PostScript name: FZXSSB--B51-0

Copyright(c) Founder Corporation.2004

By Founder Corporation. '�c

character map encodings

There are 3 encodings:

encoding  0: Apple Roman
encoding  1: Windows Unicode
encoding  2: Windows Unknown value 10


ftxcmap test

There are 3 encodings:

encoding  0:
first: glyph index 1, character code 0x0
next:  glyph index 0, character code 0x1
last:  glyph index 128, character code 0xff
encoding  1:
first: glyph index 1, character code 0x20
next:  glyph index 2, character code 0x21
last:  glyph index 0, character code 0xffff
encoding  2:
first: glyph index 0, character code 0xffffffff
next:  glyph index 0, character code 0xffffffff
last:  glyph index 0, character code 0xffffffff


GSUB table

  script `hani' (index 0):
    default language system:
      feature `vert' (index 0; lookup 0)
    language `CHN ' (index 0):
      feature `vert' (index 0; lookup 0)


  0: type 1, flag 0x1


Memory footprint statistics:

234163 Bytes ( 229 kByte): face object
 35371 Bytes (  35 kByte): glyph object
   528 Bytes (   1 kByte): instance object
 14116 Bytes (  14 kByte): exec. context object

284178 Bytes ( 278 kByte): total memory usage

The command oto shows:

File: FZMingTiB.TTF

Offset Subtable:
sfnt vertion: 0x00010000, numTables: 17;
searchRange: 256, entrySelector: 4, rangeShift: 16.

Table Directory:
tag: 'GSUB', checkSum: 2266201473, offset: 12045648, length: 276.
tag: 'OS/2', checkSum: 1450597684, offset: 12046392, length: 86.
tag: 'cmap', checkSum: 2119340940, offset: 11953132, length: 91588.
tag: 'cvt ', checkSum: 1376256, offset: 12046356, length: 2.
tag: 'fpgm', checkSum: 1709777049, offset: 12045924, length: 417.
tag: 'gasp', checkSum: 2031625, offset: 12046480, length: 16.
tag: 'glyf', checkSum: 977065716, offset: 284, length: 11721114.
tag: 'head', checkSum: 3696322260, offset: 12046496, length: 54.
tag: 'hhea', checkSum: 127098145, offset: 12046552, length: 36.
tag: 'hmtx', checkSum: 1357756551, offset: 11814092, length: 92688.
tag: 'loca', checkSum: 2412634364, offset: 11721400, length: 92692.
tag: 'maxp', checkSum: 1554973544, offset: 12046360, length: 32.
tag: 'name', checkSum: 3558151221, offset: 12044720, length: 928.
tag: 'post', checkSum: 4278845492, offset: 12046588, length: 32.
tag: 'prep', checkSum: 671220541, offset: 12046344, length: 12.
tag: 'vhea', checkSum: 100860419, offset: 12046620, length: 36.
tag: 'vmtx', checkSum: 3666662049, offset: 11906780, length: 46350.


CMap Table:
CMap Index:
  Version: 0, Number of encoding subtables: 3.
CMap Encoding Subtables:
  (Macintosh,Roman,(language-independent)) at 28+262: format 0.
  (Microsoft,Unicode,(language-independent)) at 290+30392: format 4.
  (Microsoft,UCS-4,(language-independent)) at 30684+60904: format 12.

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