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[Devel] Bug: Freetype2 cannot handle some gzipped .pcf fonts

From: Mike FABIAN
Subject: [Devel] Bug: Freetype2 cannot handle some gzipped .pcf fonts
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 12:17:37 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) XEmacs/21.4 (Rational FORTRAN, linux)

Can be reproduced with lt1-18-etl.bdf from the GNU intlfonts-1.2.1
package. For your convenience I did put a copy of this font here:

How to reproduce:

    address@hidden:~$ ftdump lt1-18-etl.bdf
    There is 1 face in this file.

    ----- Face number: 0 -----

    font name entries
       family:     Fixed
       style:      Regular
       postscript: UNAVAILABLE

    font type entries
       FreeType driver: bdf
       sfnt wrapped:    no
       type:            fixed size
       direction:       horizontal
       fixed width:     yes
       glyph names:     no
       EM size:         0
       global BBox:     (0,0):(0,0)
       ascent:          0
       descent:         0
       text height:     0

    fixed size
       0: height 18, width 8

       0: platform: 3, encoding: 1

OK. Now convert to pcf:

    address@hidden:~$ bdftopcf -o lt1-18-etl.pcf lt1-18-etl.bdf
    address@hidden:~$ ftdump lt1-18-etl.pcf
    There is 1 face in this file.

    ----- Face number: 0 -----

    font name entries
       family:     ETL Fixed
       style:      Regular
       postscript: UNAVAILABLE

    font type entries
       FreeType driver: pcf
       sfnt wrapped:    no
       type:            fixed size
       direction:       horizontal
       fixed width:     yes
       glyph names:     no
       EM size:         0
       global BBox:     (0,0):(0,0)
       ascent:          0
       descent:         0
       text height:     0

    fixed size
       0: height 18, width 18

       0: platform: 3, encoding: 1

Still OK. Now gzip it:

    address@hidden:~$ gzip lt1-18-etl.pcf
    address@hidden:~$ ftdump lt1-18-etl.pcf
    Could not open face.
      error = 0x0001

Gzipping from stdin doesn't work either.

Mike Fabian   <address@hidden>

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