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Re: [Devel] helvetica narrow metrics

From: jonathan . foster
Subject: Re: [Devel] helvetica narrow metrics
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 09:58:05 +0100

Werner wrote:
>It seems that the advance width isn't scaled at all.  Please test the
>patch below whether there are unwanted side effects.
>Similar code should go to the CID and CFF drivers.
>+        advance.x = metrics->horiAdvance;
>+        advance.y = metrics->vertAdvance;
>+        FT_Vector_Transform( &advance, &font_matrix );
>+        advance.x += font_offset.x;
>+        advance.y += font_offset.y;
>+        metrics->horiAdvance = advance.x;
>+        metrics->vertAdvance = advance.y;

Will the font matrix ever contain anything other than a scale?
For example, could it contain a shear transformation to make a
font italic?

If so, then you need to transform the horizontal and vertical
advances separately - otherwise you will get incorrect results.

Kind regards,


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