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Re: [Devel] anybody working for TrueTypeGX / other Macintosh bitmap font

From: mpsuzuki
Subject: Re: [Devel] anybody working for TrueTypeGX / other Macintosh bitmap font support?
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003 21:22:07 +0900

Dear Mr. George Williams,

>the open source font editor PfaEdit ( 
>       feat
>       kern
>       lcar
>       morx
>       opbd
>       prop
>(it will read 'mort' tables, but always produces 'morx' on output).
>If that's any indication of usage.

Oops, I'm ashamed that I slipped to check the current status of
PfaEdit, sorry. Would you permit the import of your GX table parsers
(covered by GPL) into FreeType?



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