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Re: [Devel] FT_Set_Hint_Flags problem

From: David Turner
Subject: Re: [Devel] FT_Set_Hint_Flags problem
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 03:17:38 +0200
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Werner LEMBERG wrote:
I understand your point of view, but mine is that 99% of users who
encounter this kind of problem will think it's either their own
fault, or that of FreeType.  Only a fraction will ask about it on
the mailing list, or dare to look at the archives for more
information.  The rest will just grow frustated.

Mhmm, this point of view is perhaps a bit too conservative...

Well, it's just a point of view :-)

  - bringing back the old stream functions within the library, as
    simple calls to the new ones. this, to avoid "breaking" old
    Pango installations when upgrading FreeType.

Do you really think this is necessary?

it's certainly not necessary, but the idea is to avoid wasting the
time of too many people, at least until the issues get seriously

  - maybe even bring back a dummy FT_Set_Hint_Flags for the
    same reasons :-)


I know, I know, but it will just be an empty function.

I've re-started working on "src/otlayout" but the final code will
not be available before long.  In the mean time, sort of porting the
old FT1 code to FT2 should be easy, even if the implementation is a
bit intimidating..

The intention of the implementation was to prove the concept.  It is
neither elegant nor effective.  As I've mentioned a few times on this
list already, I'm bad at developing APIs.

Werner, I'm very impressed by your implementation, especially since I've
dived again in the innards of OpenType Layout. Even if some aspects are
inelegant in it, your code works pretty well at performing extraordinary
complex functions, which is infinitely better than any design that is
"in the works". The idea is to improve it whenever possible.

More details tomorrow,


- David Turner
- The FreeType Project  (

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