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Re: [Devel] FreeType 2.1.x rejects CMap4 of certain Dyna-Fonts [patch by

From: Vadim Plessky
Subject: Re: [Devel] FreeType 2.1.x rejects CMap4 of certain Dyna-Fonts [patch by akito]
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 12:40:16 +0400
User-agent: KMail/1.5

Hello All,

On Sunday 20 April 2003 00:02, Anthony Fok wrote:
|  Dear all,
|  There has been a series of patches made by Akito Hirai of the Japan KDE
|  User's Group, and recently by Firefly in Taiwan, to improve CJK font
|  rendering with FreeType, fontconfig/Xft2, Qt, Pango and Mozilla.
|  Perhaps due to the language barrier, or perhaps due to unfamiliarity
|  with upstream mailing lists, these patches have not made their way
|  upstream yet.  Anyhow, let's get started!  ;-)

I have been once in Taiwan, very nice place!  Unfortunately, I have never been 
in Japan or Korea.
I hope we can overcome language barriers and work together!..

|  Akito's KDE font environment enhancement page:
|           Introduction:
|     Download and Usage:
|  Firefly's patches and forum:
|  So, let's start with FreeType-2.1.4.  Due to another CMap4 bug in many
|  Dyna CJK fonts, FreeType 2.1.x rejects their Unicode CMap, rendering
|  these fonts unusable.  Akito-san has provided a patch to deal with
|  buggy Dyna Japanese fonts.  Firefly and other Taiwan KDE users have
|  verified that buggy Dyna Chinese fonts became usable with this patch.

I have a question here.
Is it possible to import those Dyna Chinese fonts into PfaEdit, make necessary 
fixes and generate bugs-free fonts?

|  So, please apply the attached patch.  This patch is also available
|  here:
|  It applies cleanly to 2.1.4 too.
|  David, Akito-san also worked on the autohinter to make it hint CJK
|  fonts well too, and released a patch last week (updated 2003-04-16).
|  Firefly has also verified it and find it marvellous.
|      Before:
|      After:
|      Patches:

Does it improve rendering of non-CJK fonts, too?
Autohinter has problems with certain Cyrillic glyphs, as those glyphs are more 
complex than traditional English/Latin.
As CJK fonts are much more complex than Cyrillic/Greek, I guess users or 
Cyrillic/Greek alphabets would benefit from your work.

|  It would be marvellous if you could look into it.  Thanks in advance!
|  Anthony


Best Regards,

Vadim Plessky
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