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Re: [Devel] postscript fonts, freetype and mozilla, redhat's great fonts

From: Vadim Plessky
Subject: Re: [Devel] postscript fonts, freetype and mozilla, redhat's great fonts
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2003 18:05:16 +0300
User-agent: KMail/1.5

On Friday 17 January 2003 20:06, Michael Cardenas wrote:
|  On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 05:04:49PM +0100, David Turner wrote:
|  > Michael Cardenas wrote:
|  > >On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 07:42:03PM -0800, Michael Cardenas wrote:
|  > >>I see that in mozilla, redhat8 seems to be using the font Nimbus
|  > >>Roman No 9 L. Looking at the output of xlsfonts -ll, I see that in
|  > >>redhat 8, this font is being rasterized by freetype, but in lindows
|  > >>os, it is being rasterized by X. So my first question is, how does one
|  > >>get freetype to rasterize and anti alias postscript type 1 fonts?
|  > >
|  > >So can someone tell me how to get freetype to display antialiased
|  > >postscript type 1 fonts?
|  ...
|  > Well, FreeType only does the rendering, not the text layout and
|  > display proper. What you really want to know is how applications
|  > can display AA text ?
|  No. I am able to get AA text in netscape and qt3.0, but the fonts that
|  show up in the font selection dialogs are only truetype fonts and
|  bitmap fonts, not type 1. I would like to see how the ps hinter
|  performs. For example, the font nimbus roman no 9 is not available
|  from my qt applications (kde3) or from netscape/mozilla.

Short hint:  install Linux-Mandrake 9.0, or 9.1 Beta1, and things would work 
for you.
(you may want to upgrade from FreeType 2.0.9, which comes with LM 9.0, to FT 

Slightly longer:  I have LM 8.2 with own-build KDE 3.1 (Qt 3.1, XFree86 4.2.99 
from Nov. 2002).  Nimbus Roman No.9 is here.
(and it was here as well with KDE 3.0.x/Qt 3.0.x series)
Just go to Control Center and check wether you have AA enabled.

|  > Generally, the toolkit they're using (GTK, Qt, others ?) must
|  > use a library like "libXft" or "libXft2" that will manage most of
|  > the X11 voodoo to use what FreeType renders.
|  I'm fairly sure that the applications I'm using are all using xft, not
|  xft2.

You can have AA with libXft, too :-)

|    michael


Vadim Plessky
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