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Re: [Devel] SVG & Fonts [was FreeType gzip support completed]

From: Leonard Rosenthol
Subject: Re: [Devel] SVG & Fonts [was FreeType gzip support completed]
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 15:00:27 -0500

At 6:19 PM +0100 11/20/02, David Turner wrote:
And yes, I wouldn't be surprised if FreeType was used in more than
90% of SVG Viewers out there because it supports a sufficient number
of the "standard" formats :-)

I don't think it's that high, since none of the major ones are using it (Adobe, Batik, Mozilla+SVG), but yes, there are many that do...

I don't agree completely. The Adobe SVG Viewer is probably the most
installed viewer, due to the number of Windows desktops in the world,

Actually, it's the most installed viewer due to the fact that Adobe added it to the Acrobat Reader installer with version 4.05, so that you can't install Acrobat Reader on a Mac OS or Windows computer w/o also getting the SVG Viewer.

It's also auto-installed with any other Adobe application (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.)

so any format that isn't supported by it can be considered DOA
(dead on arrival) for these users.


Microsoft didn't jumped into the SVG band-wagon.

Not with their own implementation, but they worked VERY closely with Adobe to make their SVG viewer work well with IE/Windows. They also made numerous contributions to the SVG working group during it's time...

My opinion is that SVG's future will necessarily be narrowed to
standalone scalable images (e.g. icons).

        Let's hope not - since the alternative is Flash :(.

Leonard Rosenthol                            <mailto:address@hidden>

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