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[Devel] Re: [Freetype] Re: [ttf2pt1-devel] about FT2 parser

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: [Devel] Re: [Freetype] Re: [ttf2pt1-devel] about FT2 parser
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 14:20:47 +0200 (CEST)

>   freetype2-current(the same with CVS version).
>   The weird thing is, everything is Ok, no error messages,
>   the *.t1a/*.pfb only have ascii characters no Chinese fonts
>   inside.

I found the problem.  The new charmap routines contain validation code
for TrueType cmaps.  Unfortunately, all (4,3) cmaps in the Arphic
fonts are buggy, not passing the tests.  Consequently, no Unicode
cmap is provided by FT2.

Please compile FT2 with FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_CMAPS undefined to use
the old code, then it should work again.

We will try to find a solution to the problem.


PS: You must use the latest CVS version; right now I've fixed some
    typos which prevented compilation if FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_CMAPS
    isn't set.

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