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Re: [Devel] help!!

From: Antoine Leca
Subject: Re: [Devel] help!!
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 20:14:45 +0100

Hi Nagendra,

Nagendra Verma <address@hidden> wrote on Thursday, February 28, 2002
4:30 AM:
> I am developing a utility to remove the glyph data form the TTF font file,

Well, a TTF font file without 'glyf' table is useless (and officially
speaking, it is not well-formed, unless it is really a Type1-type .OTF)

> can you please tell me the procedure or logic to do the same.
> or atleast tell me which many tables i need to update.

Remove both the 'glyf' and the 'loca' table.
With Fonttools, this is even easier: dump the file, remove the glyf
part (the fatest part at the middle) and recompile the result (if Fonttools
allow, I did not try this since I cannot see the issue).

Hope it helps,

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