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[Devel] Build system, next attempt [was: FT2 + cygwin]

From: Fleischer, Karsten (K.)
Subject: [Devel] Build system, next attempt [was: FT2 + cygwin]
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 10:29:12 -0500

Hi all,

I've made some changes to the build system once again. Hope this one's OK
for all of us.

You can now disable platform auto-detection by specifying the desired
platform with the setup option, i.e. "make setup unix" or "make setup unix

In builds/ I check for all auto-detectable platforms with the

PLATFORMS_ := $(notdir $(subst /,,$(wildcard

Then I check if one of these platforms is specified as setup target:

PLATFORM := $(firstword $(filter $(MAKECMDGOALS),$(PLATFORMS_)))

If no platform was specified I revert PLATFORM to ansi. This also enables

The structure of the builds/*/ files has changed slightly.
The auto-detection is now a seperate part introduced by 'ifeq
($(PLATFORM),ansi))'. Here has to go whatever is needed to detect the
If the platform has been auto-detected the PLATFORM variable has to be set
Other settings (CONFIG_FILE, SEP, CC etc.) have to be done in a second part,
which is introduced by 'ifeq ($(PLATFORM),platform name)'. Handling of
special setup targets (devel etc.) has to be done here, too.

David, Werner, please have a look at it.



Attachment: builds.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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