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Re: [Cjk] separate ttf2pk package?

From: PILCH Hartmut
Subject: Re: [Cjk] separate ttf2pk package?
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 17:18:21 +0000 (/etc/localtime)

> If you like, send me patches to move it out of the FreeType hierarchy, and
> I will create a separate CVS (on or on David?). would of course be happy to host any freetype-related
But I don't think I am best suited to find out how ttf2pk (and ttf2pfb)
can be taken out of the freetype/contrib hierarchy.  The whole contrib
tree should be dissolved, because it makes life difficult for package
builders.  I am not sure where ttfbanner should go: into freetype itself
or into an independent package.

My RPM spec solved the problem by unpacking both freetype-1.3.1 and
freetype-current and pasting the contrib subdirectory of freetype-current
into freetype-1.3.1.  I put ttfbanner into the freetype package and the
other contrib softwares into one separate package each.

Below is the spec.

# SuSE spec file for package freetype (Version 1.3.1)

# neededforbuild  gettext
# usedforbuild    aaa_base aaa_dir base bash bindutil binutils bison bzip 
compress cpio cracklib devs diff egcs ext2fs file fileutil find flex gawk gdbm 
gettext gpm gppshare groff gzip kbd ldso less libc libz lx_suse make mktemp 
modules ncurses net_tool netcfg nkita nkitb nssv1 pam patch perl pgp ps rcs rpm 
sendmail sh_utils shadow shlibs strace syslogd sysvinit texinfo textutil 
timezone unzip util vim xdevel xf86 xshared

Vendor:       SuSE GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany
Distribution: SuSE Linux 6.3 (i386)
Name:         freetype
Release:      32
Packager:     address@hidden

Copyright:    1996 David Turner ; 1998 Robert Wilhelm ; Werner Lemberg
Group:        unsorted
Provides:     freetype 
Autoreqprov:  on
Version:      1.3.1
Summary:      TrueType Font Engine

Library for working with TrueType Fonts.
Documentation at /usr/doc/packages/freetype

    David Turner <address@hidden>
    Robert Wilhelm <address@hidden>
    Werner Lemberg <address@hidden>

%package -n ttf2pk

Group:        tex
Requires:     freetype, te_kpath        
Provides:     ttf2pk            
Autoreqprov:  on
Summary:      rasterize TrueType Fonts for use by TeX.  

%description -n ttf2pk


rasterize TrueType Fonts into pixel formats needed by TeX.
use TTF and TTC files in LaTeX documents with East Asian and other characters

    Werner Lemberg <address@hidden>     

%package -n ttf2pfb

Group:        tex
Requires:     freetype, te_kpath        
Provides:     ttf2pfb           
Autoreqprov:  on
Summary:      rasterize TrueType Fonts for use as Type1 by TeX/DVIPS

%description -n ttf2pfb

address@hidden explains itself; t1asm is a filter which converts
the (disassembled) pseudo font created by ttf2pfb into a real PFA font
(or PFB if you use the `-b' command line switch).

    Werner Lemberg <address@hidden>     

mkdir -p /usr/share/texmf/ttf2pk
%setup -b 1
./configure --prefix=/usr --with-locale-dir=/usr/share/locale
rm -fr contrib
cp -fr ../freetype-current/contrib .

(cd contrib;
  (cd ttf2pk;./configure --prefix=/usr/share/texmf/teTeX 
  (cd ttf2pfb;./configure --prefix=/usr/share/texmf/teTeX 
  (cd ttfbanner;./configure --prefix=/usr)

(cd contrib
  (cd ttf2pfb;make)
  (cd ttf2pk;make)
  (cd ttfbanner;make)

make install

(cd contrib
  (cd ttf2pfb;make install)
  (cd ttf2pk;make install;cp data/* /usr/share/texmf/ttf2pk)
  (cd ttfbanner;make install)   



%doc README license.txt docs/FAQ docs/TODO docs/*.txt
%files -n ttf2pk
%files -n ttf2pfb

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