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Add a list of urls

From: Yuchen Pei
Subject: Add a list of urls
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 15:44:11 +1100
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 27.2


I have two functions in my init file that help me add a bunch of urls to the current emms playlist:

(defun emms-add-ytdl-playlist (url buffer-name)
 "Adds all videos on a web playlist from URL using youtube-dl.

(defun emms-add-url-region (from to)
 "Adds a list of urls to emms separated by newlines."

I've been using them for a while and found them pretty handy. Does either one look like it may fit in emms? If so I'll be happy to work on a patch to add them in.

(defun emms-add-process-output-url (process output)
 "A process filter extracting url from a jq output."
 (let ((left (string-match "\".*\"" output)))
(emms-add-url (substring output (1+ left) (1- (match-end 0))))))

(defun emms-add-ytdl-playlist (url buffer-name)
 "Adds all videos on a web playlist from URL using youtube-dl.

URL could be link to a playlist, a playlist id, videos of a channel, or a
list of playlists on a channel:
- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=<youtube-playlist-id>
- <youtube-playlist-id>
- https://youtube.com/channel/<youtube-channel-id>/videos
- https://youtube.com/channel/<youtube-channel-id>/playlists
- https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/<daily-motion-playlist-id>
 (interactive "syoutube-dl playlist url: \nsemms buffer name: ")
  (emms-playlist-new buffer-name))
   "ytdl-emms" nil
   (format "youtube-dl -j %s | jq '.webpage_url'" url))

(defun emms-add-url-region (from to)
 "Adds a list of urls to emms separated by newlines."
 (interactive (list (region-beginning) (region-end)))
 (mapc 'emms-add-url (split-string (buffer-substring from to) "


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