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[BUG] Bulk scattering breaks when logging rescheduling [9.7 (9.7-??-6eb7

From: spookygostee
Subject: [BUG] Bulk scattering breaks when logging rescheduling [9.7 (9.7-??-6eb773053 @ /home/shortcut/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.1/org/)]
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:05:10 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.4; emacs 28.1

Bulk scattering agenda items when the user wants to log reschedules does not work.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Set org-log-reschedule to the value "time"

    Alternatively, customize “Org Log Reschedule” to “Record timestamp with note”.

  2. Add an org mode file with the following contents to the agenda file list

        Testing scatter 1
        SCHEDULED: <2023-08-22 Tue>
        Testing scatter 2
        SCHEDULED: <2023-08-22 Tue>
        Testing scatter 3
        SCHEDULED: <2023-08-22 Tue>

    (As in previous reports, I can’t paste these as actual headings. Their structure is irrelevant.)

  3. Mark all of previous headings for bulk action in the agenda
  4. Bulk scatter the marked headings (B S, by default)
  5. Fill out the prompted note with anything and hit C-c C-c to finish

You will note Emacs reports that only Testing scatter 1 has been rescheduled, has a note, and all headings remain marked. Emacs will also not prompt you for notes for the other headings or reschedule them- the process terminates here. This issue does not occur when org-log-reschedule is set to its default value: “No logging”.

The expected behavior is that either Emacs will prompt me for more notes for the remaining headings, or at the very least will scatter them.

I have written and attached a rudimentary patch which “solves” this problem by storing org-log-reschedule’s value, scattering with “No logging” set, and then restoring it. I think it is up for debate whether or not the logging behavior in the case of a bulk scatter should respect the user’s settings, or prompt just once at the beginning for a note (copying it to all subsequent scattered headlines), or if it should be ignored entirely (as in my patch).

Emacs : GNU Emacs 28.1 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.20, cairo version 1.16.0) of 2022-05-31 Package: Org mode version 9.7 (9.7-??-6eb773053 @ home/shortcut.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.1/org/)


Attachment: 0001-On-main-fixing-bulk-scattering.patch
Description: Text Data

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