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Re: [BUG] inline src blocks in caption of not-inline src blocks do not e

From: Tom Gillespie
Subject: Re: [BUG] inline src blocks in caption of not-inline src blocks do not execute
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2023 02:36:29 -0700

> It was a slip when the patch was applied.
> See the table of :results params vs. expected output that Nicolas
> provided in
> https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/87zjbqrapy.fsf@nicolasgoaziou.fr/
> Or maybe I miss something.
> May you please explain more about {{{results(=value=)}}} problem?
> Isn't it sufficient to do src_elisp[:results verbatim]{'value} 
> {{{results(=value=)}}}?

The issue is the opposite I think. Currently the default value (i.e. absent)
for :results does not produce {{{results(value)}}} as suggested, and instead
producers {{{results(=value=)}}}. This means that without :results drawer
there isn't an obvious way to get {{{results(value)}}} because you can't e.g.
use [:results default], or if a user overrides the default value for
inline header
args at file level then they have no way to reset to the default.

It looks like there used to be an option [:results wrap] which was deprecated
a _very_ long time ago. [:results drawer] replaced that, and while there is
some confusion about the name (because there is no actual drawer in an
inline result) the behavior was meant to replace the old :results wrap behavior
where the name does make sense since {{{results(value)}}} do "wrap" the value.

I think that covers it, but let me know if something doesn't make sense. Best,

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