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Re: [DRAFT PATCH v4] Decouple LANG= and testing (was: Test failure due t

From: Ruijie Yu
Subject: Re: [DRAFT PATCH v4] Decouple LANG= and testing (was: Test failure due to LANG)
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2023 14:46:22 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.9.22; emacs 30.0.50

Axel Kielhorn <org-mode@axelkielhorn.de> writes:

>> Am 23.04.2023 um 03:47 schrieb Ruijie Yu via General discussions about 
>> Org-mode. <emacs-orgmode@gnu.org>:
>> Ruijie Yu via "General discussions about Org-mode." <emacs-orgmode@gnu.org> 
>> writes:
>>> Axel Kielhorn <org-mode@axelkielhorn.de> writes:
>>>> With this patch I get:
>>>>   FAILED  test-org-clock/clock-drawer-dwim  arrayp
>>>>   FAILED  test-org-clok/org-clock-timestamps-change  arrayp
>>>> Axel
>>> Thanks for testing.  Will take a look tomorrow.
>> Apparently `seq-map' does not preserve the type of its input.  This
>> patch be good then?
>> <0001-DRAFT-Fix-dependence-on-locale-in-org-testing-facili.patch>
> This works for me, thanks.
> Axel

Thank you for confirming that it works.

The following is an update of my progress trying to fix all issues I
found when I tested against different $LANG values.

I was able to iron out most of the errors found in my testing on
zh_CN.UTF-8.  The amount of unexpected failures went down from 8 to 2.

I also noticed that new errors are introduced in LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 (was
1, now 5), so I will take a look at that for the next iteration.

Something very troublesome for me is `test-org-clock/clocktable/lang' on
zh_CN.UTF-8.  What I noticed is that when I run this test in batch mode
(one of the two methods below), it fails:

$ LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 make test
$ LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 emacs -Q -nw -batch \
                   -L lisp -L testing/lisp \
                   -l ert \
                   -l testing/org-test.el \
                   -l testing/lisp/test-org-clock.el \
                   -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit

Whereas when I run it interactively, it succeeds:

$ LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 emacs -Q -nw \
                   -L lisp -L testing/lisp \
                   -l ert \
                   -l testing/org-test.el \
                   -l testing/lisp/test-org-clock.el

    M-x ert-i test-org-clock/clocktable/lang RET

Not sure what to make of it just yet.

The other failure I got in zh_CN.UTF-8 is
`test-org-colview/columns-width', as I mentioned somewhere up-thread.
It is caused by this s-exp:

    (format "%-5.5s |" "1234…")

which returns "1234… |" when locale is en_US.UTF-8 or fr_FR.UTF-8, and
"1234 |" when locale is zh_CN.UTF-8 or ja_JA.UTF-8.

I think it might be due to the "perceived width" of the ellipsis, or

Anyways, this is enough progress for now.  Here is the 4th iteration.
Note the very big rx regexp, where I asked in another thread whether my
understanding of a timestamp is complete.  Thanks.

Attachment: 0001-DRAFT-Fix-dependence-on-locale-in-org-testing-facili.patch
Description: Text Data



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