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Re: [orgweb/zh-CN] [DRAFT PATCH] Tentative zh-CN translation

From: Ruijie Yu
Subject: Re: [orgweb/zh-CN] [DRAFT PATCH] Tentative zh-CN translation
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2023 00:01:45 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.9.22; emacs 30.0.50


This is a new iteration:
https://git.sr.ht/~ruijieyu/orgweb/log/translate/zh-CN--v5 for the zh-CN
translation.  Well, it says v5 because it went through some internal
iterations, and I pushed too soon before soon discovering that something
else needed to be changed.  I want to keep all these iterations alive
until the entire thing goes into orgmode.org.

Please also take the final commit (4965b363) with a grain of salt -- it
is only a modification on publish.sh which provides me a minor aesthetic
improvement (not having to see all these .org buffers pop up at me), and
don't necessarily need to be considered together with the rest of the
translation patchset.  If necessary, I'll post this commit as a separate
patch mail in the ML for consideration.

I underwent a (painfully long) process of git magickery so that each
"translation" commit only _translates_ a file, instead of adds a brand
new file with brand new contents.  This means reviewers can have an
easier time to just review the diff without needing to look back and
forth between two files.

Here attached is a diff between translate/zh-CN--v2 and
translate/zh-CN--v5~1.  Note that I deliberately omitted the commit
4965b363 in this diff.

I'll also tell the folks at emacs-china.org about this iteration shortly
after so that they can review these translations.

Attachment: v2-v5.diff
Description: Text Data



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