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[nongnu] elpa/mastodon b591685760 44/47: update: thread-id only if threa

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/mastodon b591685760 44/47: update: thread-id only if thread
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2023 19:00:58 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/mastodon
commit b591685760865ad3da44e40d7e0546b11f73743d
Author: marty hiatt <martianhiatus [a t] riseup [d o t] net>
Commit: marty hiatt <martianhiatus [a t] riseup [d o t] net>

    update: thread-id only if thread
 lisp/mastodon-tl.el | 7 ++++---
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/mastodon-tl.el b/lisp/mastodon-tl.el
index 7432f2decc..a45b2fec60 100644
--- a/lisp/mastodon-tl.el
+++ b/lisp/mastodon-tl.el
@@ -2583,12 +2583,13 @@ This location is defined by a non-nil value of
 (defun mastodon-tl--update ()
   "Update timeline with new toots."
+  ;; FIXME: handle update for search and trending buffers
   (let* ((endpoint (mastodon-tl--endpoint))
-         (update-function (mastodon-tl--update-function))
-         (thread-id (mastodon-tl--property 'toot-id)))
+         (update-function (mastodon-tl--update-function)))
     ;; update a thread, without calling `mastodon-tl--updated-json':
     (if (mastodon-tl--buffer-type-eq 'thread)
-        (funcall update-function thread-id)
+        (let ((thread-id (mastodon-tl--property 'toot-id)))
+          (funcall update-function thread-id))
       ;; update other timelines:
       (let* ((id (mastodon-tl--newest-id))
              (params (mastodon-tl--update-params))

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