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[elpa] externals/ergoemacs-mode 3c06bbe 179/325: Remove some command-loo

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/ergoemacs-mode 3c06bbe 179/325: Remove some command-loop code
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2021 18:48:48 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/ergoemacs-mode
commit 3c06bbefe5c9c7b57aa4b341eda6c908ef6a3a76
Author: Walter Landry <wlandry@caltech.edu>
Commit: Walter Landry <wlandry@caltech.edu>

    Remove some command-loop code
 ergoemacs-command-loop.el | 214 ----------------------------------------------
 ergoemacs-macros.el       |   6 --
 ergoemacs-test.el         |  17 +---
 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 234 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ergoemacs-command-loop.el b/ergoemacs-command-loop.el
index 862a431..8842b09 100644
--- a/ergoemacs-command-loop.el
+++ b/ergoemacs-command-loop.el
@@ -1459,220 +1459,6 @@ run, by changing `this-command' to `last-command'"
   ;; FIXME: Somehow change the output of `this-single-command-raw-keys'
-(defun ergoemacs-command-loop--read-key-sequence (prompt &rest _ignore)
-  "Read key sequence in ergoemacs-mode with PROMPT.
-Ignore all the other options."
-  (let ((old ergoemacs-command-loop-type)
-        (old-prompt ergoemacs-command-loop--read-key-prompt)
-        ret)
-    (setq ergoemacs-command-loop-type :read-key-sequence
-          ergoemacs-command-loop--read-key-prompt prompt)
-    (unwind-protect
-        (setq ret (ergoemacs-command-loop--internal))
-      (setq ergoemacs-command-loop-type old
-            ergoemacs-command-loop--read-key-prompt old-prompt))
-    ret))
-(defun ergoemacs-command-loop--internal (&optional key type initial-key-type 
universal initial-history)
-  "Read keyboard input and execute command.
-The KEY is the keyboard input where the reading begins.  If nil,
-read the whole keymap.
-TYPE is the keyboard translation type, defined by `ergoemacs-translate'
-Ergoemacs-mode sets up: :unchorded :normal.
-INITIAL-KEY-TYPE represents the translation type for the initial KEY.
-UNIVERSAL allows ergoemacs-read-key to start with universal
-argument prompt.
-INITIAL-HISTORY is the initial history list to use.
-While in the loop, every command resets the keys typed every time
-a command is completed (by `clear-this-command-keys')
-Also in the loop, `universal-argument-num-events' is set to
-0. (Allows commands like `isearch' to work correctly in older
-Emacs versions)."
-  (interactive)
-  (when ergoemacs-mode
-    ;; Call the startup command
-    (when (commandp ergoemacs-command-loop-start)
-      (ergoemacs-command-loop--call-interactively ergoemacs-command-loop-start)
-      (ergoemacs-command-loop--internal-end-command))
-    ;; Replace functions temporarily
-    (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'this-command-keys) 
-             ((symbol-function 'this-single-command-keys) 
-             ((symbol-function 'this-command-keys-vector) 
-             ((symbol-function 'this-single-command-raw-keys) 
-              ;; ((symbol-function 'read-key-sequence) 
-             )
-      (let* ((type (or type :normal))
-             (from-start-p ergoemacs-command-loop-start)
-             (continue-read t)
-             (first-type type)
-             raw-key current-key last-current-key
-             (translation (ergoemacs-translate--get type))
-             (local-keymap (ergoemacs-translate--keymap translation))
-             tmp command)
-        (unwind-protect
-            (progn
-             ;; Set these to nil when entering the command loop;
-             ;;
-             ;; For some reason `inhibit-point-motion-hooks' on emacs
-             ;; 25.1 is t when the command loop is entered.
-             ;;
-             ;; To allow the point motion hooks to work as
-             ;; advertised, set these on starting the command loop.
-             (setq inhibit-point-motion-hooks      nil
-                   disable-point-adjustment        nil
-                   global-disable-point-adjustment nil)
-              ;; Setup initial unread command events, first type and history
-              (setq tmp (ergoemacs-command-loop--listify-key-sequence key 
-                    unread-command-events (or (and unread-command-events tmp 
(append tmp unread-command-events)) tmp)
-                    ergoemacs-command-loop--first-type first-type
-                    ergoemacs-command-loop--history initial-history
-                    ergoemacs-command-loop-start nil)
-              (while continue-read
-               (setq ergoemacs-last-command-was-ergoemacs-ignore-p nil)
-                (unless (eq ergoemacs-command-loop-type :read-key-sequence)
-                  (setq inhibit-quit t))
-                (while continue-read
-                 (setq ergoemacs-last-command-was-ergoemacs-ignore-p nil)
-                  ;; Read key
-                  (setq ergoemacs-command-loop--single-command-keys current-key
-                        ergoemacs-command-loop--current-type type
-                        ergoemacs-command-loop--universal universal
-                        raw-key (ergoemacs-command-loop--read-key
-                                 current-key
-                                 (or (and unread-command-events :normal) type)
-                                 (and (not unread-command-events) universal))
-                        ergoemacs-command-loop--single-command-keys nil
-                        universal-argument-num-events 0
-                        last-current-key current-key
-                        current-key (nth 1 raw-key)
-                        raw-key (nth 0 raw-key)
-                        continue-read nil)
-                  (cond
-                   ;; Handle quit commands
-                   ((and last-current-key
-                         (or (lookup-key ergoemacs-map--quit-map raw-key)
-                             (and (equal raw-key [27])
-                                  (lookup-key ergoemacs-map--quit-map 
-                    (ergoemacs-command-loop--message
-                     "Key sequence %s aborted by %s"
-                     (ergoemacs-key-description last-current-key)
-                     (ergoemacs-key-description raw-key))
-                    (setq quit-flag t))
-                   ;; Handle local commands.
-                   ((and (not (equal current-key raw-key))
-                         (setq command (lookup-key local-keymap raw-key))
-                         (not (ergoemacs-keymapp command)) ;; Ignore locally
-                         ;; Already handled by 
-                         (not (ergoemacs-gethash command 
-                         ;; If a command has :ergoemacs-local property of 
:force, don't
-                         ;; worry about looking up a key, just run the 
-                         (or (and (symbolp command) (eq (get command 
:ergoemacs-local) :force))
-                             (not (key-binding current-key t))))
-                    (pop ergoemacs-command-loop--history) ;; Don't recored 
local events
-                    (setq ergoemacs-command-loop--single-command-keys 
-                          universal-argument-num-events 0
-                          ergoemacs-command-loop--current-type type
-                          ergoemacs-command-loop--universal universal
-                          ergoemacs-command-loop--exit nil)
-                    (unless (eq ergoemacs-command-loop-type :test)
-                      (setq tmp this-command
-                            this-command command)
-                      (ergoemacs-command-loop--call-interactively this-command)
-                      (setq command this-command
-                            this-command tmp))
-                    ;; If the command changed anything, fix it here.
-                    (unless (equal type ergoemacs-command-loop--current-type)
-                      (setq type ergoemacs-command-loop--current-type
-                            translation (ergoemacs-translate--get type)
-                            local-keymap (ergoemacs-translate--keymap 
-                    (setq current-key 
-                          universal ergoemacs-command-loop--universal
-                          ergoemacs-command-loop--single-command-keys nil
-                          continue-read (not ergoemacs-command-loop--exit)))
-                   ;; Handle any keys that are bound in some translatable way.
-                   ((setq command (ergoemacs-command-loop--key-lookup 
-                    ;; Setup external indicators of how the loop currently 
-                    (setq ergoemacs-command-loop--single-command-keys 
-                          universal-argument-num-events 0
-                          ergoemacs-command-loop--current-type type
-                          ergoemacs-command-loop--universal nil
-                          ergoemacs-command-loop--exit t)
-                    (if (setq continue-read (and (not (and (consp (aref 
current-key 0))
-                                                          (memq 
(event-basic-type (car (aref current-key 0)))
-                                                                '(mouse-1 
mouse-2 mouse-3 mouse-4 mouse-5 mouse-6 mouse-7 mouse-8 mouse-9))))
-                                                (ergoemacs-keymapp command)))
-                        (setq universal nil)
-                      (unless (memq ergoemacs-command-loop-type '(:test 
-                        (with-local-quit
-                          (ergoemacs-command-loop--execute command)))
-                      (when quit-flag
-                        (ergoemacs-command-loop--message "Quit!"))
-                      ;; Change any information (if needed)
-                      (unless (equal type ergoemacs-command-loop--current-type)
-                        (setq type ergoemacs-command-loop--current-type
-                              translation (ergoemacs-translate--get type)
-                              local-keymap (ergoemacs-translate--keymap 
-                      (when (eq ergoemacs-command-loop-type :read-key-sequence)
-                        (setq ergoemacs-command-loop--exit t
-                              continue-read nil
-                              command current-key))
-                      (setq current-key 
-                            universal ergoemacs-command-loop--universal
-                            ergoemacs-command-loop--single-command-keys nil
-                            continue-read (not ergoemacs-command-loop--exit)
-                            current-prefix-arg (if 
ergoemacs-command-loop--universal current-prefix-arg prefix-arg))
-                      (when (and (not continue-read)
-                                 (eq ergoemacs-command-loop--exit 
-                        (setq continue-read t)))
-                    (when (or (not ergoemacs-command-loop--exit)
-                              (and (not continue-read) (setq continue-read 
-                      (ergoemacs-command-loop--internal-end-command)))
-                   (quit-flag
-                    (ergoemacs-command-loop--message "Quit!")
-                    (setq quit-flag nil
-                          type :normal
-                          first-type :normal
-                          raw-key nil
-                          current-key nil
-                          translation (ergoemacs-translate--get type)
-                          local-keymap (ergoemacs-translate--keymap 
-                          ergoemacs-command-loop--first-type first-type
-                          ergoemacs-command-loop--history nil))
-                  ((consp (aref current-key 0))) ;; don't complain about mouse 
-                   (t ;; Command not found exit.
-                    (ergoemacs-command-loop--message "Key %s doesn't do 
anything." (ergoemacs-key-description current-key)))))
-                (unless quit-flag
-                  (ergoemacs-command-loop--internal-end-command))
-                (setq quit-flag nil
-                      type :normal
-                      continue-read (or unread-command-events (and 
from-start-p (ergoemacs-command-loop-full-p)))
-                      first-type :normal
-                      raw-key nil
-                      current-key nil
-                      translation (ergoemacs-translate--get type)
-                      local-keymap (ergoemacs-translate--keymap translation)
-                      ergoemacs-command-loop--first-type first-type
-                      ergoemacs-command-loop--history nil)
-                (when (or (not ergoemacs-mode) (eq :read-key-sequence 
-                  (setq continue-read nil)))
-              (setq inhibit-quit nil)))
-        command))))
 (defcustom ergoemacs-message-in-mode-line t
   "Display ergoemacs information in mode-line."
   :type 'boolean
diff --git a/ergoemacs-macros.el b/ergoemacs-macros.el
index 284c4c1..e25e442 100644
--- a/ergoemacs-macros.el
+++ b/ergoemacs-macros.el
@@ -869,12 +869,6 @@ When :type is :replace that replaces a function (like 
             ((symbol-function 'describe-key) #'ergoemacs--real-describe-key))
-(defmacro ergoemacs-specials (&rest body)
-  "Use `ergoemacs-mode' special functions in BODY."
-  `(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'read-key-sequence) 
-            ((symbol-function 'key-description) #'ergoemacs-key-description))
-     ,@body))
 (defmacro ergoemacs-autoloadp (object)
   "Non-nil if OBJECT is an autoload."
diff --git a/ergoemacs-test.el b/ergoemacs-test.el
index bfdf144..0bc6494 100644
--- a/ergoemacs-test.el
+++ b/ergoemacs-test.el
@@ -55,9 +55,7 @@
 (declare-function ergoemacs-mode "ergoemacs-mode")
-(declare-function ergoemacs-command-loop--internal "ergoemacs-command-loop")
 (declare-function ergoemacs-command-loop--mouse-command-drop-first 
-(declare-function ergoemacs-command-loop--read-key-sequence 
 (declare-function ergoemacs-component-struct--lookup-hash 
@@ -567,11 +565,9 @@ Grep finished (matches found) at Fri Aug 22 08:30:37
   "Test that unicode translations work.
 See Issue #138."
-    (unless ergoemacs-mode
-      (ergoemacs-mode))
     (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*ergoemacs-test*"))
     (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
-    (ergoemacs-command-loop--internal "C-x 8 !")
+    (execute-kbd-macro (kbd "C-x 8 !"))
     (should (string= "¡" (buffer-string)))
     (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
@@ -580,10 +576,8 @@ See Issue #138."
 See Issue #138."
     (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*ergoemacs-test*"))
-    (unless ergoemacs-mode
-      (ergoemacs-mode))
     (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
-    (ergoemacs-command-loop--internal "C-x 8 \" A")
+    (execute-kbd-macro (kbd "C-x 8 \" A"))
     (should (string= "Ä" (buffer-string)))
     (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
@@ -929,7 +923,7 @@ hash appropriaetly."
     (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*ergoemacs-test*"))
     (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
     (table-insert 1 2)
-    (ergoemacs-command-loop--internal "abc <tab> abc <tab>")
+    (execute-kbd-macro (kbd "abc <tab> abc <tab>"))
     (should (string= (buffer-string) "+-----+
 |abc  |
@@ -988,11 +982,6 @@ hash appropriaetly."
     (should (member [27 ?b] list))
-(ert-deftest ergoemacs-test-issue-379 ()
-  "Test infinite recursive event-modifiers."
-  :tags '(:translate)
-  (should (equal (ignore-errors (ergoemacs-specials 
(ergoemacs-translate--event-modifiers 134217755))) '(control meta))))
 (ert-deftest ergoemacs-test-temp-map-issue ()
   "Test temporary map issue."
   (if (version-list-< (version-to-list "24.4") (version-to-list emacs-version))

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