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[nongnu] branch elpa/solarized-theme created (now 874694e)

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] branch elpa/solarized-theme created (now 874694e)
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2021 18:08:20 -0400 (EDT)

elpasync pushed a change to branch elpa/solarized-theme.

        at  874694e   colorlab: upgrade

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  f6ca4b7   first commit
       new  66479e6   First working version
       new  265e196   fixed #1
       new  8e6ab0a   fixed a bunch of faces
       new  cfe9ad4   added some installation instructions
       new  4ac37fe   toned down the mode-line
       new  cb3a5ef   prepare for marmalade
       new  5f7cb2e   fixed a typo
       new  991f99f   renamed solarized-core to solarized-theme
       new  aefde0f   added a short section on marmalade
       new  ff94f39   README: what the deuce is marmalade
       new  7234379   Killed trailing ,
       new  4a8af8a   Merge pull request #2 from gwern/patch-1
       new  8d192fc   Merge pull request #4 from natemueller/fix-yellow-typo
       new  97014e2   Changed doc-comments to cyan. The original setting of 
'green' clashed with yello static names, causing much visual confusion.
       new  23fbe40   Merge pull request #5 from joshvfleming/master
       new  bf94a1e   bumped the version to 0.2
       new  3f1b24d   fixes #7 - load-theme error
       new  01d969e   bumped the version to 0.2.1
       new  f7f6d12   added support for fill-column-indicator
       new  df5decd   fixed #11
       new  cdd1cc3   bumped the version to 0.3.0
       new  60eb118   bumped the version to 0.3.0
       new  a190fad   Fix faces `org-checkbox' and `org-agenda-date-today' in 
       new  b11bd42   Nicer faces for org-habit
       new  ad21697   Fixed colours for region
       new  9a29efb   Merge pull request #13 from ljos/Fix-region-colors
       new  31ee7ae   Changed documentation strings from solarized-core to 
       new  a9aa77a   Merge pull request #14 from thomasf/docfix
       new  70029f8   Fixed colours for region
       new  31d7d4e   Set solarized forground color for org-agenda-structure
       new  c1d3c90   Removed reduntant color definition for 
       new  28de53b   A bit of differentiation to org-agenda views.
       new  3b2d4a9   Merge branch 'master' into org-color
       new  9ac9fb9   Merge pull request #16 from thomasf/org-color
       new  4211b99   Merge branch 'master' into org-color-2
       new  5985bcc   Merge pull request #17 from thomasf/org-color-2
       new  b4ec56c   Org-mode colors.
       new  fd116f4   Org-mode colors.
       new  d426bcb   Merge pull request #19 from thomasf/org-color-3
       new  390c3d4   Added org-code face
       new  405b382   Merge branch 'org-color-3' into org-color-4
       new  b4f4dee   Minor formatting change
       new  be80eca   Yet another scrollbar mode colors.
       new  54e3f48   Merge pull request #20 from thomasf/yascroll
       new  196ea95   Added colors for ace-jump-mode
       new  af1e0ba   Merge pull request #21 from thomasf/ace-jump-mode
       new  387bd1b   Added higher/lower contrast accent colors.
       new  fe4a27f   Use new low/high contrast accent colors for habit graph 
       new  864f7ce   Merge pull request #22 from thomasf/org-color-4
       new  b476c76   Added hi-lock faces
       new  a02a8ba   Accent low contrast bg + high contrast fg for flymake 
       new  4d7f970   Match face fg:orange -> fg:solarized-emph
       new  6a2312d   Added customize faces
       new  80c442a   Added org-mode sexp-date face
       new  a8c9ce4   org-habit: Use less colors.
       new  61c0f1e   Added myself to contributors and authors docs
       new  6d1f7a4   Merge pull request #23 from thomasf/misc-01
       new  f03acc2   Changed the new dark/light accent palette, mostly better 
visibility with solarized-hl background. Need to check this on different 
       new  4b19457   Merge pull request #25 from thomasf/color-change
       new  4d26126   Support for providing a child theme function to 
       new  5cdca73   Theme name is now an argument
       new  a948384   Merge pull request #26 from thomasf/childtheme
       new  cfc5744   Changed show paren and rainbow delimiters unmatched face 
colors, now any combination of show-paren and rainbow-delimiters-mode should 
work without losing sight of those highlights.
       new  be9e0c5   Auto highlight symbol faces
       new  00271aa   Shortened a small number of lines, only a formatting 
       new  9bdc522   Merge pull request #29 from thomasf/delimiters
       new  d5bfc25   Merge pull request #30 from 
       new  c1ae539   Merge pull request #31 from thomasf/line-length
       new  8b09748   custom-theme-load-path was added in Emacs 24
       new  e695fa1   remove spurious comma
       new  fea1ddd   Merge pull request #33 from npostavs/master
       new  f1783ed   Font-lock faces changes
       new  466510c   Change org-mode face:
       new  6f38bfe   Added customized faces for shell-script-mode
       new  e0aef8f   Added/Changed faces:
       new  91cf30f   Merge pull request #34 from thomasf/master
       new  e48a5c6   bumped the version to 0.5.0
       new  6ccaf01   Added a couple of missing basic faces.
       new  f7fb563   Added dired faces.
       new  c537e44   Added sunrise commander faces.
       new  4dc2e5e   Changed font-lock-warning back from red to orange.
       new  80cfad4   Added helm faces (at least alot of them)
       new  aac1b85   Added face for pretty mode
       new  d241137   Theme development utilities.
       new  3d95bb5   Changed all instances of `:bold t` to `:weight bold` + 
removed resulting duplicates.
       new  3efc4a3   Minor changes and moving things to their place.
       new  195b3cd   Org-mode faces are now almost fully complete.
       new  f347af1   Added magit faces.
       new  47815f1   Added ido faces, also changed ido dir face to blue since 
blue is the key color for directories in almost all file browsing modes.
       new  88c2c5c   Oops...
       new  644a998   Those ido-changes mentioned in earlier commit...
       new  e36b4bb   Ido changes (again).
       new  08e3c82   Merge pull request #35 from thomasf/master
       new  fb41ca6   Fixes + speedbar + mingus.
       new  226eea0   Merge pull request #36 from thomasf/master
       new  6e522b9   w3m, term colors, diary
       new  0464528   mic-paren
       new  1df8781   mumamo
       new  42f8c3d   Fixed colors in shell.
       new  c58a161   whoops
       new  25c507c   Rename solarized-theme.el.
       new  97223a1   typos
       new  e32776e   Merge pull request #37 from monsanto/master
       new  7a6f3a2   adds a first pass at better colors for tuareg-mode
       new  015174c   Merge pull request #42 from pygatea/master
       new  785a4e7   minor update to the README
       new  0030d51   Added faces for bm, helm, moccur
       new  4608477   Merge pull request #43 from thomasf/master
       new  0492a6f   minor formatting change.
       new  ce5366e   Modified comments to reflect previous file name change.
       new  2ac9a7d   Added faces for nav-flash, window-number-mode and 
highlight tail.
       new  2bd913e   Less distracting nav-flash colors
       new  3152d9a   Remove red color from rainbow-delimiters and rearrange 
colors in a cyclical order
       new  b9892fc   Merge pull request #44 from vitoshka/master
       new  f56184c   added faces for cua and highlight changes modes.
       new  1a03663   fixed a couple of typos
       new  ee95483   fix message-mode faces
       new  7328021   add mu4e faces
       new  9fd07d7   issue #45 - make hl-line-mode face change correctly when 
switching between zenburn and solarized themes.
       new  f5d0220   set magit-item-highlight
       new  f9f30bc   Merge pull request #46 from hdhoang/magit-item-highlight
       new  f6b54e8   change org-scheduled-previously from orange to yellow
       new  192132b   Fix helm-buffer-save-out face.
       new  2295988   add js2-mode colors
       new  8258408   add android-mode log faces
       new  75fe4a8   add compilation mode faces (recently added to emacs 24.3?)
       new  f3aa999   add calfw faces
       new  4e27413   Added faces for modes
       new  6a782bc   Added faces for dropdown, man, ctable, epc and jedi. 
Modified popup faces slightly.
       new  c3edb6f   Add ediff faces.
       new  6bcf968   Remove diff-added, diff-changed and diff-removed annoying 
       new  96065f6   Merge pull request #49 from vitoshka/ediff
       new  4e1762e   Add faces for flycheck
       new  14e6d53   Merge pull request #50 from 
       new  53b6651   added faces for clojure-test-mode
       new  244822a   fixed the flycheck-warning-face
       new  0831727   Remove 'unspecific' from ansi-term-color-vector
       new  37d6ad3   Merge pull request #53 from vmann/patch-1
       new  0c74a99   added faces for git-gutter
       new  6d6236e   A couple of smallish front-matter changes
       new  0ba76f3   modified git-gutter faces, also added one git-gutter face.
       new  3c343db   added git-gutter-fringe faces
       new  58920c0   Add compilation-mode faces
       new  59b1a10   Remove duplicated faces
       new  eae3650   Experimental colors for term in Emacs 24.3
       new  d1e8974   Improve w3m theming
       new  af5cff3   removed -face suffixes of js2-faces since they are not 
named like that.
       new  17f4893   slightly less contrasting org-mode faces, mostly or only 
in org-agenda i think.
       new  a8c7abc   added fic-mode faces
       new  0d8cc26   added color-moccur search-buffer faces
       new  fb5ff84   changed gutter modified faces from magenta to blue
       new  2cec441   removed orange background color for nav-flash-face
       new  58f3b82   changed secondary-selection background from solarized-bg 
to solarized-hl since it mostly becomes invisible otherwise
       new  9411fe3   added coffee-mode faces
       new  bdc7d6f   added guide-key faces
       new  1201c64   Remove problematic ansi-term-color-vector
       new  d64952c   add magit-log-author face, resolves #52
       new  81022ca   Theme vc-annotate
       new  49871ca   Release 1.0.0
       new  94112fc   Make Marmalade happy
       new  1eb587f   Set vc-annotate-background to nil instead of 
,solarized-emph. It is really hard to read on the other background color.
       new  a8352c0   give vc-annotate new colors, based on solarized accented 
colors and more like the original vc-annotate spectrum.
       new  fc9f30e   Correct typo
       new  bc58e04   Add colors for jabber.el
       new  40c73ff   Merge pull request #57 from TrisMcC/master
       new  476f3c5   Added cscope faces
       new  f28fb4a   Move cscope in its correct alphabetical order
       new  9b21175   Merge pull request #59 from To1ne/patch-1
       new  9400c31   Inherit outline-mode faces from org-mode
       new  9326423   Merge pull request #61 from jjolma/master
       new  1a4c2f8   enable rainbow-mode if available
       new  6a1b3d6   add show-smartparens faces
       new  3863263   add diff-refine face defs and change diff-changed from 
yellow to blue (blue is a more common changed face around here)
       new  206fb39   add lusty-explorer faces
       new  394bbaa   Use non-obsolete faces
       new  eb7378c   Add Flycheck fringe faces
       new  f6900a3   Use wave underlines for Fly(make|check|spell) if possible
       new  f44c962   Merge pull request #62 from lunaryorn/improve-flycheck
       new  53c7b32   Merge pull request #63 from lunaryorn/use-underlines
       new  0cd4d7d   Properly reset attributes when using underlines
       new  dc62a5a   Merge pull request #64 from lunaryorn/reset-faces
       new  67e4bcf   add some web-mode faces
       new  cc6b6b4   add weechat colors
       new  d534935   flatter mode-line and header-line looks.
       new  b505875   linum mode foreground to comments color
       new  44a3683   make isearch and lazy-highlight faces stand out more, 
they are too often not standing out enough (????)
       new  18b009c   Make the fringe bg color the same as normal bg color, a 
possibly controversial change.
       new  55d3b4f   do not bold magit-item-highlight
       new  22236ac   add auctex defsadd auctex defs #60
       new  51d72bd   remove bold from keyword face, less crazy switching to 
bold everywhere in code.
       new  640bc92   make font-lock comments face italic
       new  4ebb6e8   highlight-indentation faces
       new  e47027a   new whitespace mode faces
       new  4409903   set fill-column to 95 and fit all lines to that length
       new  7edc36d   slight modification of org-agenda faces.
       new  f8afe75   Merge branch 'master' of 
       new  fbdbd15   Set mouse face to match text cursor
       new  452a1e3   added mu4e face
       new  83da874   Merge pull request #65 from jordanwade90/master
       new  6246a57   Fix mispelled face names
       new  78816db   Do not inherit from non-existing faces
       new  a7cdf7b   Fixup Gnus faces
       new  471fff0   Merge pull request #66 from lunaryorn/fix-incorrect-faces
       new  27e1aa5   fix typo
       new  235791f   comment face for org-agenda-done
       new  a17b4ff   org-sexp-date same in agenda and other views
       new  6ec04a5   Add enh-ruby-mode faces.
       new  7322161   Add font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct and 
       new  5196abe   less contrast against string face and no red
       new  5f977e7   add ee faces
       new  489a590   syslog-mode
       new  7380364   Use a less subtle negation char face
       new  dcb2a4a   Reorder faces alphabetically
       new  34e53e4   Remove obsolete face font-lock-doc-string-face
       new  68d0d5e   Add missing docstring
       new  680e07e   added ecb faces
       new  7ffdf9f   Add flx face
       new  204fefd   Font-lock faces improvements
       new  dad2a04   update flx highlight face
       new  6b22df9   Make ace-jump-face-foreground bold
       new  db34bdd   remove duplicate def + dont use emph for minibuffer prompt
       new  75e4ff7   less bold and underlines
       new  5014002   org-agenda
       new  858df10   a bunch of fixs for the last org-mode push.
       new  3e549c3   and some further fixing of the org agenda fixes
       new  360df77   changed org special keyword face to bold again
       new  6c487cd   closes #72
       new  f40fcd4   make org-aganda-date-today blue.
       new  618e36f   add underline instead of box color for inactive mode line 
       new  f177556   switch to yellow for ido-match.
       new  27ce8a7   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
       new  2bd1436   modify auto highligt symbol faces
       new  28651b5   ctable and ecp faces
       new  8cc982c   Less contrasting compilation faces
       new  d66634a   compilation-message-face
       new  c8ac93a   Add ediff-*-C faces for three way ediff a la ediff-files3 
or during magit merge conflict.
       new  9eafc27   Merge pull request #73 from phaebz/master
       new  40ff12a   solarized is no longer distributed with Prelude
       new  30af6e4   correct gnus faces
       new  43cebd5   Revert "add underline instead of box color for inactive 
mode line #71"
       new  59dde8d   Merge branch 'master' of 
       new  47539b7   Merge pull request #74 from vitoshka/master
       new  f01d81f   Merge branch 'master' of 
       new  1bbc96f   customizeable fringe and mode-line
       new  51b3e38   also make linum-mode use customizable fringe bg.
       new  710c878   Added notes about contrast customisations
       new  d55b45d   Merge pull request #81 from bradleywright/patch-1
       new  9225019   mention customize-group
       new  517fd96   Org-levels inherits variable pitch and are sized.
       new  4dfb45d   Change color of pretty-mode-symbol-face to yellow.
       new  5709b60   Change face of org-agenda-calendar sexp.
       new  511de13   set height on markdown header faces
       new  ef11b01   height and variable-pitch on some customize faces
       new  2a74eeb   add paren-face
       new  83a0218   markdown headers -> green
       new  cc11668   never use font size over 1.3
       new  7958cf1   customizable font scale sizes
       new  822ad1d   disable magit-diff-use-overlays
       new  ddfe529   added option to not use variable-pitch
       new  e2c4384   force org-column to inherit default
       new  2b9f7e4   Add Git Gutter+ and Git Gutter Fringe+
       new  6b9a294   Remove misplaced comment
       new  a58c5c6   Cleanup whitespace and indentation
       new  92ee5a5   Merge pull request #84 from lunaryorn/git-gutter-plus
       new  fac22c8   Don't specify bg for ahs faces.
       new  e7a1bc5   add elfeed faces
       new  98d28d1   elfeed + message headers
       new  f00f6cd   elfeed headlines color
       new  a3473ff   added diff-hl faces
       new  62e01e2   add anzu mode
       new  19b30b0   add a web mode face
       new  86dfe1b   add all current web-mode faces
       new  84a8adf   add flyckef info level faces
       new  fc4b1cb   fix last commit
       new  5625968   faces for fic (the current melpa one)
       new  12ef753   Add company-mode faces.
       new  6607053   Merge pull request #89 from proofit404/company-mode
       new  5dc19a2   Add support for edts faces
       new  873fe28   changed 'is' to 'in' on L18
       new  a9446d2   Merge pull request #91 from vjit/patch-1
       new  72803af   Merge pull request #90 from syl20bnr/edts_support
       new  6154ae3   Add support for helm-swoop faces
       new  35f90b1   Merge pull request #92 from syl20bnr/helm-swoop
       new  cc120cf   added fixmee face
       new  b756323   fix docstring
       new  b030833f  add faces for kite
       new  fd16603   Changed first heading
       new  6926acd   readme code fmt
       new  b1ce54b   code quote full line
       new  bf70a4b   Merge pull request #68 from asok/master
       new  16d9e40   put ehn-ruby faces into place, use yellow delimiter
       new  b4b3b6c   Use Solarized color names.
       new  3d21487   Use Solarized palette color names.
       new  a2869c9   add Local Variable to ignore cl-function byte compile 
       new  a2e3d80   Merge pull request #95 from ryantm/byte-compile-warning
       new  1a5a0f6   add web mode bracket face
       new  3df9c52   Remove misplaced t's
       new  d012059   Add newlines in a few places
       new  bfbf63b   adjust helm-swoop faces
       new  36c019b   added prodigy faces
       new  28cdc68   add helm-css-scss faces
       new  c4bdd3c   Add company-mode scrollbar faces.
       new  84bf758   Merge pull request #96 from proofit404/company-mode
       new  3de9aca   Change paren match faces
       new  6c95049   paren match faces unspecified weight
       new  e00365f   change anzu color magenta > yellow
       new  f21e51e   add skewer-mode faces
       new  acc1c53   fix syslog faces
       new  a3b65e5   mu4e flagged face magenta -> blue
       new  d0b2d37   mu4e less constrast
       new  2a6cef0   elfeed: less colors
       new  faef643   less contrast weechat colors
       new  f890d35   add ztree faces
       new  7ad927d   add swoop faces
       new  3d17192   fix ztree face defs
       new  2edd55d   change rainbow delimiter orange to violet
       new  86fd9b8   make paren matching faces bold
       new  d9d548a   add rainbow-block faces
       new  676a0bf   add wgrep faces
       new  46e2576   Background colors for `structured-haskell-mode`
       new  5a9a415   Emphasized colors for quarantine.
       new  5e34f69   Sort alphabetically
       new  eb69a42   Merge pull request #100 from wunki/structured-haskell
       new  23cc297   add color for very thin lines and use it
       new  792df59   minor fringe color tweak
       new  ccbb5aa   add tests/
       new  287eb4b   magit header quick fix
       new  523289f   mode/header lines
       new  f2a038d   test stuyff
       new  59bddf1   add cua cursor colors
       new  2e18891   add prodigy-line-face
       new  2c8f096   customizable less bold / more italic
       new  4a242e2   remove unused
       new  379074c   update readme with new customizations
       new  f8addf3   Add dired-async face.
       new  fa5e0d7   Merge pull request #102 from myuhe/async
       new  4658901   Fix for multiple-cursors cursor face
       new  5cd051a   Merge pull request #103 from emil-e/master
       new  c0672a3   move groups into alphabetical order
       new  8e326f1   Add stripe-buffer face.
       new  4dc07c5   Merge pull request #104 from myuhe/stripe
       new  a8c1392   Add info+ face.
       new  47eef6d   Merge pull request #105 from myuhe/info+
       new  4d74398   Fix #105
       new  5fbeef9   Merge pull request #106 from myuhe/tweakinfo+
       new  0caaa72   solarized-emphasize-indicators wip
       new  c64dd10   added new defcustom to readme
       new  5bbe6ac   correction, info should be invisible underline
       new  2c12435   quick fix for magit diffs.
       new  ee02a3b   add test readme.md files
       new  97b0985   markdown faces
       new  de9cb80   added dired-efap face
       new  4b7b12f   change org todo color red -> cyan
       new  4d2c482   add color maniupulation functions
       new  faa7494   smartrep bg color
       new  cf8b634   Merge pull request #109 from bbatsov/color-blend
       new  267f52c   [Fix #112] Correct dash dependency
       new  76bb6ad   Update readme with underline configuration for x
       new  a38bbdb   Calculate vc-colors gradient
       new  dc2f46a   require dash
       new  fb2cf8c   update manual installation instructions
       new  ba9b27c   add weather-metno faces
       new  4dffc99   add bumpversion config
       new  c514036   Bump version: 1.0.0 → 1.1.0
       new  55507e1   moved manual install instructions to end of readme
       new  713899e   fix info faces
       new  746e3d2   fix typo in README.md
       new  3c282c2   Merge pull request #117 from jschaf/patch-1
       new  abf6554   add highlight-symbol faces
       new  61771d6   also chnge hi-lock mode highlight faces
       new  b23e0fa   add yas face
       new  171c0eb   change web-mode-builtin-face
       new  e38b1ce   add missing web-mode faces
       new  73dbf75   remove duplicate incorrect escape-glyph face
       new  d905647   add/change custom-button/custom faces
       new  68a7094   add xterm-color colors
       new  5a5d77f   (hopefully) a better ansi-term mapping
       new  3fed98f   update copyright year header
       new  834e36b   Add perspective colours
       new  01bde8f   Merge pull request #121 from alanpearce/perspective
       new  424837f   making enh-ruby-op-face visible
       new  648b1ed   Merge pull request #124 from ZehCnaS34/master
       new  85105ca   Add ledger support
       new  6b644e7   Merge pull request #125 from syl20bnr/ledger_support
       new  7fa540f   Rename README-fzf.md  to README-fzf.md
       new  e648966   Merge pull request #130 from seanfarley/patch-1
       new  93c2c2d   Bump version: 1.1.0 → 1.2.0
       new  7e3e4d4   Add facedefs for todotxt
       new  fd3266d   Change bm facedefs
       new  574d938   Modify nav-flash-face
       new  6855049   Add alternative ediff colors
       new  80e5b65   Add navi2ch face.
       new  609bf90   Merge pull request #132 from myuhe/navi2ch
       new  d176431   Fix diff-refine-* colors for highlighting Magit hunks.
       new  60db12b   Merge pull request #131 from vonavi/master
       new  ef8c753   Add face for helm-go-package
       new  7b8e66f   Add colors for hl-anything thingatpt functions
       new  19771c9   Add face for evil-search-highlight-persist
       new  a2494e3   Merge pull request #136 from syl20bnr/hl-anything
       new  2c4036f   Merge pull request #137 from 
       new  a104815   Add a few badges
       new  6095ca1   Use smaller headings
       new  bc0d551   lisp -> el
       new  f129a21   End readme on a positive note
       new  fd0d4d3   Update the melpa url
       new  e854bc0   Whitespace fixes
       new  1c5d7fb   Add option solarized-scale-org-headlines.
       new  aa0db96   Merge pull request #138 from 
       new  80351f9   Add face for column-enforce-mode
       new  ba8817a   Merge pull request #139 from alexmurray/master
       new  455221d   removed redundant comma marker
       new  1922929   Merge pull request #141 from 
       new  e72997c   use proper section headings to separate packages
       new  e2d7336   force use of spaces for indentation
       new  f61167e   Merge pull request #146 from tarsius/sections
       new  92f1386   add faces for tests in cider-mode
       new  e85e579   Merge pull request #147 from bostonaholic/cider-faces
       new  917fc6e   solarized-theme.el: only require `solarized' not the 
theme libraries
       new  52abe72   Add `company-template-field` faces
       new  34624ac   Merge pull request #148 from tarsius/noload
       new  0a9465c   Merge pull request #149 from 
       new  83e6fb6   Add elscreen-mode face
       new  5888d6b   Merge pull request #150 from takethathe/master
       new  b97a3e5   Add epa facdefs
       new  3efc1ec   Add pos-tip colors
       new  b7c1411   Bump version: 1.2.0 → 1.2.1
       new  c9d74c6   Remove duplicate faces
       new  64d9a54   Merge pull request #155 from baskerville/master
       new  4a221d7   Make the company-tooltip-annotation face yellow.
       new  646d31f   Change yellow in company annotations to base1.
       new  674520d   Merge pull request #156 from ane/master
       new  94e5830   tweak navi2ch face
       new  f2a6eda   Fix widget-field color
       new  cdefc3e   Add support for smart-mode-line
       new  5ec1486   Merge pull request #160 from andschwa/smart-mode-line
       new  557313c   Merge pull request #159 from andschwa/widget-field
       new  35599d1   Fix a couple of small typos
       new  f2513ca   Merge pull request #161 from andrewmacgregor/master
       new  6c838d6   Update copyright
       new  c9ed4f1   Remove the bugs front-matter section
       new  342c162   Tiny README changes
       new  032d4ca   Customize the completions-annotations face
       new  8ae2f4d   Remove duplicate faces
       new  3deb0eb   Merge pull request #164 from baskerville/master
       new  c4db87e   Lighter smart mode line theme.
       new  b50332b   subtle line numbers with distinct-fringe-background on
       new  89219ec   add powerline support
       new  f09e055   Merge pull request #169 from ryanartecona/powerline-colors
       new  1c25772   Merge pull request #168 from ryanartecona/subtle-linum
       new  6068271   Merge pull request #157 from myuhe/navi2ch
       new  921d787   add neotree support
       new  8f9a0e6   Merge pull request #170 from ryanartecona/neotree-colors
       new  7ef662c   Add pophint face
       new  7dc7acd   Change yellow to magenta
       new  9b11ec2   Add cider-repl-err-output-face
       new  bf8cdf4   Merge pull request #173 from 
       new  4e52026   Add dev-guide.md
       new  dbbade9   Remove the child-theme support
       new  30f3995   Remove unused color name aliases
       new  320dafa   Exemplify base color names usage as used in sol.el
       new  f682ade   Remove compilation-mode-line-exit fg color
       new  4e36a6f   Remove underline from font-lock-warning-face
       new  fea1a1d   Add facedefs for cperl-mode
       new  a29f55b   Revert "Remove the child-theme support"
       new  3c5eb46   Merge pull request #171 from myuhe/pophint
       new  6602930   Add faces for go-direx
       new  e966024   Remove mouse face
       new  883fb0c   Fix popup-menu-mouse-face
       new  4488a30   Added documentation to README.md
       new  854ef9e   Merge pull request #179 from sgepigon/sgepigon-patch-1
       new  627beb8   Add colors for sx-mode (WIP)
       new  456fe27   Tweak colors for sx-mode a bit further
       new  f416c78   Added Gitter badge
       new  9c8d6e8   Merge pull request #183 from gitter-badger/gitter-badge
       new  f090989   Move gitter badge
       new  c1fe58d   Add go mode colors
       new  7c30371   Faces for hydra
       new  3819bda   Add child theme example.
       new  ea5f926   Add solarized-distinct-doc-face defcustom
       new  51be5f3   adapt to magit v2.1.0
       new  be418da   Merge pull request #189 from tarsius/magit-next
       new  87d93c1   Merge pull request #185 from segv/hydra
       new  7aedce5   Change magit-tag from orange to cyan
       new  b0b8cb1   Use only baseXX colors in magit-popup
       new  58363df   Use only baseXX colors for diff-log author & date
       new  210dbef   Bump version: 1.2.1 → 1.2.2
       new  cd26e18   Add coloring for highlight-numbers
       new  372ce7a   Merge pull request #193 from spirani/master
       new  b86ceb1   introduce solarized-with-color-variables macro
       new  8abd1b0   Merge pull request #198 from blaenk/with-variables-macro
       new  8d0ddd8   Add file child-theme-example/.nosearch
       new  1870335   Merge pull request #200 from tarsius/nosearch
       new  b6745b8   Fix a docstring
       new  e5f0af6   Add support for nrepl-message-colors
       new  c91b110   Fix a docstring
       new  232a224   Kill some tabs
       new  30f8e66   Adjust magit-log faces.
       new  473c531   Fix typo in child theme examples
       new  22460d4   Merge pull request #207 from PythonNut/patch-1
       new  155f0cf   Use cl-lib instead of cl
       new  3b82690   Merge pull request #205 from tarsius/cl-lib
       new  f48efef   Add a definition for helm-header-line-left-margin
       new  c809270   Do not depend on the f and s packages for tests
       new  e07e1ef   Merge pull request #209 from tarsius/test-cleanup
       new  f075e3a   Add face for the iedit-mode
       new  fbe4802   Merge pull request #212 from pedropenna/master
       new  5f8bd47   Faces for avy-goto-*
       new  82b66d2   Merge pull request #208 from PythonNut/master
       new  71242f0   Add support for ivy
       new  1c6acea   Add support for swiper
       new  6d1690b   Merge pull request #213 from bricewge/patch-1
       new  7a43652   Merge pull request #206 from fleimgruber/master
       new  2fbe79a   Make highlighting of tabs visible
       new  d3daa19   Update the copyright notice
       new  d518af8   Merge pull request #215 from mrkkrp/master
       new  6f7994e   Modify magit-blame faces
       new  ba8dccc   Fix closing parens
       new  12f61e1   Add omitted magit-blame stuff
       new  af45a79   Fix magit-blame (again)
       new  0f6d41b   Fix rst-mode headers
       new  6118415   Add missing avy faces
       new  992d05f   Get rid of height adjustment for rst-mode headers
       new  684e01c   Merge pull request #227 from wbolster/fix-rst-mode-headers
       new  db06984   Add debbugs faces
       new  02591b2   Add some cider faces and remove clojure-test-mode faces
       new  8686899   Add faces for minibuffer hints of git-timemachine
       new  a8cb8af   Merge pull request #228 from 
       new  7331af0   Autoload solarized-color-blend to avoid breaking 
       new  17229b7   Merge pull request #230 from purcell/patch-1
       new  8cf091b   Don't duplicate code from color.el (#234)
       new  37cb827   [Fix #232] Remove foreground of cider-result-overlay to 
avoid overriding clojure font lock (#233)
       new  f5a4e5d   Add *.elc to .gitignore
       new  8bc7592   Merge pull request #238 from jistr/ignore-elc
       new  52bc03b   Add linum-relative support (#242)
       new  b97f5b7   Set go-guru hl to standard temp hl look
       new  a3a60f8   magit: use colors in popup buffers (#243)
       new  62dfe37   Modify magit-popup colors (again)
       new  1fe6b5e   Set vc-annotate-background-mode to nil
       new  43d2500   magit-diff-file-heading-*: do not re-enforce boldness
       new  4c937b8   Use base02 for org-clock-overlay face
       new  ea2e9c5   Add faces for js3-mode, closes #204
       new  4e81453   Maybe fix htmlize css error
       new  e3c66a5   Merge pull request #250 from PythonNut/patch-2
       new  f484039   Merge pull request #246 from marsam/master
       new  2853b89   Add face for eros
       new  64fa782   Merge pull request #252 from xiongtx/eros
       new  36f555c   Corrected README to set scale rather than absolute height
       new  dc80b1f   Merge pull request #256 from fwkroon/master
       new  d680619   solarized.el: Set indent of solarized-with-color-variables
       new  7a74a57   Set org-meta-line instead of org-block-begin-line
       new  8aa2ce7   Add cider-fringe-good-face
       new  5f2adc5   Add notmuch (#269)
       new  43fde99   Merge pull request #260 from alphapapa/org-meta-line
       new  423f4c1   Merge pull request #261 from alphapapa/macro-indent
       new  7bc1e83   Reindent solarized.el
       new  ae7bc3f   Add markdown-code-face
       new  268b691   Sort package specific sections alphabetically
       new  a259562   Collect all basic faces in a single section and sort that
       new  d06bf19   Add notmuch-tree faces
       new  642b2af   add auto-dim-other-buffers-face
       new  384e369   Update git-commit faces
       new  5c31ce4   Add faces for spaceline
       new  7c4cb8a   expose dark-class/light-class variables
       new  d91a97b   use light-class/dark-class variables
       new  e77ddc1   remove variant conditions
       new  2dd2699   Small fix for solarized-dark theme (#284)
       new  575cc12   Add face for lsp-ui to make code actions readable
       new  0174218   Add highlight-parentheses (#241) (#288)
       new  b10591c   Add macrostep face
       new  42a86df   Add faces for all-the-icons (#285)
       new  2fbff75   [Fix #194] Unified diff diff-hl ediff and smerge faces 
       new  1a46af3   Revert "[Fix #194] Unified diff diff-hl ediff and smerge 
faces (#282)"
       new  7c91f48   Adjust magit-blame faces to recent upstream changes
       new  26d9528   Theme for Emacs 26 display-line-number-mode
       new  af8ed1b   Update company-mode faces
       new  f6160e5   Change org-block config
       new  e1a93c9   Closes #298 imenu-list
       new  08a04b6   Use thin font for linum and display-line-number when 
       new  3814e6f   Add form-feed-mode face
       new  620831e   Add faces for langtool
       new  f829e99   Add org-macro
       new  d662ab1   Do not derive outline faces from org faces
       new  8bb5673   Underline current match in Ivy
       new  647c5d5   Separate magit-popup from magit
       new  bd845f1   Theme transient
       new  87d4758   Theme outline-minor-faces
       new  dcca169   Theme transient's newer faces
       new  ad2ad24   Fix #231: Change cider-deprecated-face to yellow 
underline instead of background
       new  74c6b5a   Theme more new transient faces
       new  18d4c06   [#329] Link to some screenshots of the theme
       new  4bb3d50   Fix the top-level heading
       new  6a93a01   Update the installation instructions
       new  0cc0ca5   Add extra notmuch faces
       new  c1f3ace   Add: solaire-mode support
       new  9112ce3   Add support for theming tabbar plugin (#328)
       new  cbe8e0b   Add some missing front-matter
       new  b14f809   Improve the installation instructions
       new  6a4c9c1   Bump the copyright years
       new  bb90d45   Declare the dependency on dash.el
       new  c42a932   Bump the version
       new  45bc973   add deadgrep facedefs
       new  b37635f   webmode: turn down the blue everywhere effect
       new  cc38c23   There col-highlight (#335)
       new  6d11d3e   Theme display-fill-column-indicator
       new  55cd77b   magit: Remove obsolete magit-diff-use-overlays variable
       new  17036d6   add minimal-init/ small emacs config to load themes into
       new  893fcd0   remove the tests/ directory
       new  10ca085   add go example file
       new  77e26d0   minimal-init: add some stuff
       new  d5c99aa   add some more things to minimal init testing env
       new  b47d513   add support for creating derived themes with custom 
       new  4aae0ec   fix indentation see #330
       new  16a579c   add Cask file to exec test
       new  6b2e9d8   delete start.sh.  Use `make test` instead.
       new  d49252b   fix package description
       new  7d6cdc0   Add well known keyword; convenience
       new  5a04dc8   Disclaim this package depends Emacs-24.1
       new  02cc8f5   Closing parens should not be wrapped onto new lines
       new  145f53a   Fix some docstring
       new  48290fc   use solarized-* prefix instead of create-*
       new  42a0453   remove turn on rainbow-mode in eval magic comment
       new  6cc8f19   add some temp file patters to .gitignore
       new  5b33a4e   quote arguments to define-obsolete-function-alias
       new  2d7ea41   add some functions for interactive testing/editing of 
       new  0c9193f   reload theme needs to reverse list
       new  156588f   reload theme: handle errors, unload feature to reread 
       new  92e6a3a   more tweaks for theme reloading
       new  d62f3f6   dev: use set-default for theme custom reset
       new  4f27b48   dev: ran black on python sample file
       new  5ef66b8   fix solarized high contrast themes increasing intensity 
each load
       new  78bb9c9   add gruvbox light and dark themes
       new  092628d   add script that creates a repo with merge conflict
       new  ae1dfb3   dev: config ediff/magit diff a bit
       new  e431d1a   dev: create a .diff
       new  4b17c2d   dev: add more kinds of test files
       new  1584b31   dev: adapt init for additional test file types
       new  4ff78b1   dev: have a repo ready that always generates the same 
       new  b90ba1b   delete .bumpversion.cfg
       new  0d5dbbc   remove the s- prefix from the name in the palette alist
       new  adaf0c3   dev: add a git patch diff to sample files
       new  a239773   unified and improved diff colors
       new  4c0955d   diff: minor tweaks and consistency adjustment
       new  78befd0   refactor: break out faces and palettes into own files
       new  cfca786   Improved diff/merge palettes + color handling improvements
       new  795a21b   add autoload for function that had atutoload before
       new  9bf1e32   call color-rgb-to-hex with 3 arguments when emacs<26
       new  c2d7ae2   include pkg file into solarized.el header
       new  aaaaabe   fill header
       new  83ec120   fix magit diff face
       new  eace864   add zenburn theme
       new  d3b1c1c   faces: remove kite faces
       new  83b42f5   add monokai to colorlab (but not as a solarized theme)
       new  b211180   cask: correct the package info file cask points to
       new  9252dc6   generate some version of those old -l and -d
       new  52f05e0   dev: enable themabke popups in test config
       new  4522e0f   faces: get rid of a couple of lc/hc instances
       new  1263268   Removed .d from .emacs reference.
       new  c3cd279   add description to create color-theme
       new  6d33209   Enable lexical-binding and code refactoring
       new  974845c   fix wrong function name
       new  12707f6   change user-emacs-directory in minimal-init.el
       new  3fa39a8   remove needless buffer local variables
       new  9b5052a   indent-tabs-mode nil in every emacs-lisp files
       new  cb356c6   add upgrade-guide.md
       new  35490cc   fix pallet to palette
       new  ec4d608   use *create-theme-file-with-palette for *wombat-dark
       new  fe474db   added note about solarized-otherpalette-... themes
       new  ef974b1   rename upgrade-guide.md to UPGRADE-GUIDE.md
       new  65789ff   Fix typos
       new  3f2572c   improve magit diff faces
       new  71123ef   colorlab: added readme with very basic information about 
the tool
       new  9054bc8   update DEV-GUIDE
       new  0370f4e   magit: don't use cyan as context highlight.
       new  660b03d   upgrade-guide: don't change theme description in upgrade
       new  5f90a10   colorlab: remove unused function
       new  15037cf   colorlab: remove const cast
       new  4d43e82   colorlab: move color constants to own package
       new  a160b9b   colorlab: split code into multiple go files.
       new  0099e88   colorlab: always clamp before converting to hex
       new  dc8da9e   readme: update palette section
       new  784b174   readme: spelling
       new  abf520d   colorlab: male palettes elisp update optional
       new  3faa012   fix BODY to solarized-definition
       new  1ef2be6   colorlab: start cleaning up main color generating code.
       new  824b07e   colorlab: refactor
       new  cb0f6f7   colorlab: refactor
       new  894ac00   colorlab: typo
       new  220e1a7   colorlab: individual accent pair generator per output 
       new  9ea2b5f   colorlab: experimental solarized dark tuning
       new  ff485b8   new solarized dark accent fb/bg pairs
       new  2d4cecc   solarized-dark: lightness diff fix
       new  0017b2c   readme: add semantic version statement
       new  0f876b0   colorlab: refactor
       new  1f8f78f   colorlab: refactor
       new  6e42db9   colorlab: refactor: move colorfinder to colorlab package
       new  cfd2c97   colorlab: refactor rename solarized package to sol
       new  281abb3   colorlab: refactor move emacs specific functionality to 
own package
       new  ba79bed   colorlab: refactor rename colorlab package to clab
       new  7665a9a   minimal-init: add htmlize
       new  76e46d8   rename minimal-init -> dev-init.d
       new  786f9f3   magit: Remove obsolete magit-diff-use-overlays variable
       new  f5ee7ae   outline-minor-faces: Explicitly extend faces beyond eol 
for Emacs 27
       new  157405c   Explicitly extend some faces beyond eol for Emacs 27
       new  133a9b4   remove solarized-color-lightness
       new  a6988c1   Fix typos
       new  a11ff00   merge *color-blend-rgb to *color-blend
       new  67c8e26   Remove dash dependency (#376)
       new  20f2fbe   Use mapcar instead of --map (#379)
       new  c4743ee   fix comma usage
       new  0d81dcd   ignore projectile related files in debug emacs.d
       new  e905959   specify quote list instead of just list
       new  51d875b   add space between close paren and open paren
       new  fac531c   Create FUNDING.yml
       new  1659e8d   split dev-emacs.d into multiple features
       new  b69d823   quicker to use dev-emacs.d functions in outside configs
       new  c894c38   add lsp-ui-sideline faces
       new  e076a29   add faces for lsp-ui-doc
       new  8bbca96   move bulk of colorlab code out of this repo
       new  ae25554   fix accidental outline level change
       new  67376b3   outline-minor-mode: fix always bright issue.
       new  68ea1bf   Improve the README's structure
       new  7e74226   Tweak some markup
       new  38d0198   Delete outdated FAQ
       new  b51d4f4   Add a license section to the README
       new  f0df241   add fold-this color
       new  8de2681   add which-key-mode colors
       new  8cd79c8   Make `org-link` inherit `link-visited`.
       new  c8f0949   Require cl-lib (#396)
       new  161278f   move lsp-ui faces into lsp-mode block
       new  0521e0b   Add faces for Selectrum
       new  ecc5da1   Revert "move lsp-ui faces into lsp-mode block"
       new  a156449   Add a PR template
       new  30db305   Merge branch 'master' of 
       new  63eb59a   Add a changelog
       new  03bb33e   Tweak some wording
       new  4ce5130   Theme window-divider-mode
       new  2171202   Update changelog
       new  92dcca5   Don't let company-box's scrollbar be invisible
       new  67f261c   add colors for terraform-mode
       new  57bd274   fix selectrum match highlighting
       new  fdb42e4   add pulse colors
       new  1f508a3   add next-error colors
       new  16c2e08   Add missing define-obsolete-function-alias argument 
(version) (#410)
       new  703708a   change hydra-red-face to not being red color
       new  11a3b72   Style all the `line-number-*` faces.
       new  4c3ffe2   add solarized-color-rgb-to-hex
       new  93d1249   don't need that Emacs version conditional
       new  b2311d6   Add woman faces.
       new  27acc3a   Add transient-separator
       new  893629b   add :extend to transient-separator
       new  2b0a71f   remove the changelog.
       new  4a82558   remove the mention of contribution guidelines in the 
github template
       new  98ece68   add support for orderless
       new  4d4b004   switch orderless colors
       new  e626b18   Add help-key-binding face
       new  8271679   Improve handling of auto-highlight-symbol after upstream 
       new  40b72d5   Add option to scale markdown headers
       new  aec5185   Use s-fringe-bg for unemphasized fringe indicators
       new  d72d692   Add recent debbugs-gnu-stale-* faces
       new  1a3fe08   only keep copyright base year
       new  e281635   readme: write that this is a 24bit emacs theme
       new  a717041   Don't theme magit-branch-current explicitly
       new  91788f3   Add centaur-tabs support
       new  29a83de   Add consult support
       new  55026e5   Add selenized pallets
       new  da0c7c4   Bump the copyright years
       new  572ad64   Update my email
       new  6e56dab   Remove references to dash
       new  cb034f5   Tweak some wording
       new  49501ac   go: update dependencies
       new  4815888   regenerate palettes
       new  bd22c4d   fix palette comments so that color generator tool 
rewrites them
       new  2a4d8b5   move code specific to this theme out of colorlab go module
       new  874694e   colorlab: upgrade

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