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[elpa] externals/boxy-headings accd873 2/4: Added tests

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/boxy-headings accd873 2/4: Added tests
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2021 11:57:08 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/boxy-headings
commit accd873d31484cd498e963f5a1f80b4032645768
Author: Tyler Grinn <tylergrinn@gmail.com>
Commit: Tyler Grinn <tylergrinn@gmail.com>

    Added tests
 .elpaignore     |   2 +-
 .gitlab-ci.yml  |   1 +
 Eldev           |  79 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/smoke.org | 125 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 206 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/.elpaignore b/.elpaignore
index 7438c8e..7f2716a 100644
--- a/.elpaignore
+++ b/.elpaignore
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ deps
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 4714771..74e6f75 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ package:
     - eldev lint
     - eldev compile -W
+    - eldev test
     - eldev package
     - eldev md5
diff --git a/Eldev b/Eldev
index 4a89d75..7a22358 100644
--- a/Eldev
+++ b/Eldev
@@ -20,3 +20,82 @@
    (directory-files eldev-dist-dir t "\\.tar\\'")
    (directory-files eldev-dist-dir t "\\.el\\'"))))
+ boxy_headings-test (&rest _)
+ "Runs tests against all org files in tests folder."
+ :override t
+ (eldev-load-project-dependencies)
+ (require 'boxy-headings)
+ (let ((failures 0))
+   (cl-flet* ((get-expected ()
+                            (save-excursion
+                              (re-search-forward "#\\+begin_example")
+                              (org-element-property :value 
+              (get-actual ()
+                          (with-current-buffer (get-buffer "*Boxy*")
+                            (buffer-string)))
+              (print-result (title result)
+                            (message "    %s : %s"
+                                     (if result
+                                         "\033[0;32mPASS\033[0m"
+                                       "\033[0;31mFAIL\033[0m")
+                                     title)
+                            (if (and (not result) (fboundp 'diff-buffers))
+                                (let ((expected (get-expected)))
+                                  (save-window-excursion
+                                    (with-temp-buffer
+                                      (insert expected)
+                                      (diff-buffers (get-buffer "*Boxy*")
+                                                    (current-buffer)
+                                                    nil t))
+                                    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer "*Diff*")
+                                      (message "@@ -actual +expected @@")
+                                      (message
+                                       (string-join
+                                        (butlast
+                                         (butlast
+                                          (cdddr
+                                           (split-string
+                                            (buffer-string)
+                                            "\n"))))
+                                          "\n")))))))
+              (set-result (result)
+                          (if (not result) (cl-incf failures))
+                          (let ((inhibit-message t))
+                            (org-todo (if result "PASS" "FAIL")))))
+     (mapc
+      (lambda (test)
+        (find-file test)
+        (message "\n%s:\n" (file-name-base test))
+        (message "\n  Testing headlines:\n")
+        (org-babel-map-src-blocks nil
+          (goto-char beg-block)
+          (let* ((title (org-entry-get nil "ITEM"))
+                 (boxy-headings-margin-y (if (org-entry-get nil "MARGIN-Y")
+                                             (string-to-number (org-entry-get 
nil "MARGIN-Y" t))
+                                           boxy-headings-margin-y))
+                 (boxy-headings-margin-x (if (org-entry-get nil "MARGIN-X" t)
+                                             (string-to-number (org-entry-get 
nil "MARGIN-X" t))
+                                           boxy-headings-margin-x))
+                 (boxy-headings-padding-y (if (org-entry-get nil "PADDING-Y" t)
+                                              (string-to-number (org-entry-get 
nil "PADDING-Y" t))
+                                            boxy-headings-padding-y))
+                 (boxy-headings-padding-x (if (org-entry-get nil "PADDING-X" t)
+                                              (string-to-number (org-entry-get 
nil "PADDING-X" t))
+                                            boxy-headings-padding-x))
+                 (result (catch 'result
+                           (save-window-excursion
+                             (condition-case nil
+                                 (progn
+                                   (org-edit-special)
+                                   (save-window-excursion (boxy-headings))
+                                   (org-edit-src-exit))
+                               (error (throw 'result nil))))
+                           (string= (get-expected) (get-actual)))))
+            (print-result title result)
+            (set-result result)))
+        (save-buffer)
+        (kill-buffer))
+      (directory-files "tests" t "\\.org\\'"))
+     (and (> failures 0) (error "Test run had failures")))))
diff --git a/tests/smoke.org b/tests/smoke.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d843e96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/smoke.org
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#+TITLE: Boxy headings smoke test
+* PASS Smoke test
+  #+begin_src org
+    ,* Above
+      :REL:      above
+      :END:
+    ,* Below
+      :REL:      below
+      :END:
+    ,* Left
+      :REL:      left
+      :END:
+    ,* Right
+      :REL:      right
+      :END:
+    ,* In
+    ,* Behind
+      :REL:      behind
+      :END:
+    ,* On top
+      :REL:      on-top
+      :END:
+    ,* In front
+      :REL:      in-front
+      :END:
+  #+end_src
+  #+begin_example
+  ╭────────╮     ╭──────────╮                            ╭─────────╮
+  │        │     │          │                            │         │
+  │  Left  │     │  On top  │                            │  Right  │
+  │        │     │          │                            │         │
+  ╰────────╯  ╭──┴──────────┴─────────────────────────╮  ╰─────────╯
+              │                                       │
+              │  *Org Src smoke.org[ org ]*           │
+              │                                       │
+              │  ╭─────────╮  ╭──────╮  ╭╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╮  │
+              │  │         │  │      │  ╎          ╎  │
+              │  │  Above  │  │  In  │  ╎  Behind  ╎  │
+              │  │         │  │      │  ╎          ╎  │
+              │  ╰─────────╯  ╰──────╯  ╰╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╯  │
+              │                                       │
+              │  ╭────────────╮                       │
+              │  │            │                       │
+              │  │  In front  │                       │
+              │  │            │                       │
+              ╰──┴────────────┴───────────────────────╯
+              ╭─────────╮
+              │         │
+              │  Below  │
+              │         │
+              ╰─────────╯
+  #+end_example
+* PASS Compat test
+  Check that the old instructions for REL still work
+  #+begin_src org
+    ,* Above
+      :REL:      above
+      :END:
+    ,* Below
+      :REL:      below
+      :END:
+    ,* Left
+      :REL:      to the left of
+      :END:
+    ,* Right
+      :REL:      to the right of
+      :END:
+    ,* In
+    ,* Behind
+      :REL:      behind
+      :END:
+    ,* On top
+      :REL:      on top of
+      :END:
+    ,* In front
+      :REL:      in front of
+      :END:
+  #+end_src
+  #+begin_example
+  ╭────────╮     ╭──────────╮                            ╭─────────╮
+  │        │     │          │                            │         │
+  │  Left  │     │  On top  │                            │  Right  │
+  │        │     │          │                            │         │
+  ╰────────╯  ╭──┴──────────┴─────────────────────────╮  ╰─────────╯
+              │                                       │
+              │  *Org Src smoke.org[ org ]*           │
+              │                                       │
+              │  ╭─────────╮  ╭──────╮  ╭╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╮  │
+              │  │         │  │      │  ╎          ╎  │
+              │  │  Above  │  │  In  │  ╎  Behind  ╎  │
+              │  │         │  │      │  ╎          ╎  │
+              │  ╰─────────╯  ╰──────╯  ╰╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╯  │
+              │                                       │
+              │  ╭────────────╮                       │
+              │  │            │                       │
+              │  │  In front  │                       │
+              │  │            │                       │
+              ╰──┴────────────┴───────────────────────╯
+              ╭─────────╮
+              │         │
+              │  Below  │
+              │         │
+              ╰─────────╯
+  #+end_example

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