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[elpa] externals/org-real f883078 101/160: Merge branch 'next' into 'mai

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/org-real f883078 101/160: Merge branch 'next' into 'main'
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2021 16:58:24 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/org-real
commit f883078abcabbebf74bedd2879ddcbe3d74219cb
Merge: 881e4af 6a7fbe8
Author: Tyler Grinn <tyler@tygr.info>
Commit: Tyler Grinn <tyler@tygr.info>

    Merge branch 'next' into 'main'
    Added expansion slots to speed up initial rendering
    Box diagram can now be rendered in steps. Only visible boxes are rendered 
initially. For large org files, this makes `org-real-headlines` much faster.
    See merge request tygrdev/org-real!5
 README.org           |  10 ++
 demo/garage.org      |   2 +-
 org-real.el          | 326 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 tests/edge-cases.org |  30 +++--
 4 files changed, 241 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 1b35d81..0f1552d 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -148,11 +148,21 @@ Keep track of real things as org-mode links.
    To view all real links in the current buffer in a combined diagram,
    use the interactive function =org-real-world=
+   Suggested keybinding:
+   #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+     (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c r w") 'org-real-world)
+   #+end_src
 ** =org-real-headlines=
    To view all headlines in an org-mode file as an org-real diagram,
    use the interactive function =org-real-headlines=
+   Suggested keybinding:
+   #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+     (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c r o") 'org-real-headlines)
+   #+end_src
    To modify the relationship between a headline and its parent, add
    the property REL to the child headline. Valid values are:
    - on top of
diff --git a/demo/garage.org b/demo/garage.org
index 2ad5cca..ae95ec8 100644
--- a/demo/garage.org
+++ b/demo/garage.org
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@
   - [[real://garage/east wall?rel=in/rake?rel=on/hoe?rel=to the left 
   - [[real://garage/workbench?rel=in/hammer?rel=on/screws?rel=to the right 
   - [[real://garage/saw?rel=on][saw]]
-  - [[real://garage/workbench?rel=in/hammer?rel=on/screws?rel=to the right 
+  - [[real://garage/workbench?rel=in/paintbrush?rel=in front of/wrench?rel=to 
the left of/pliers?rel=below][pliers]]
diff --git a/org-real.el b/org-real.el
index 0e99900..b8368a3 100644
--- a/org-real.el
+++ b/org-real.el
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ;;; org-real.el --- Keep track of real things as org-mode links -*- 
lexical-binding: t -*-
 ;; Author: Tyler Grinn <tylergrinn@gmail.com>
-;; Version: 0.3.1
+;; Version: 0.3.2
 ;; File: org-real.el
 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1"))
 ;; Keywords: tools
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ visibility."
                        (org-real--complete-thing "Thing: " container-matrix 
     (catch 'confirm
       (while t
-        (org-real--pp (org-real--make-instance 'org-real-box containers) 
+        (org-real--pp (org-real--make-instance 'org-real-box containers) 
containers nil nil 0)
         (let ((response (read-event "RETURN    - Confirm\nBACKSPACE - Remove 
context\n+         - Add context")))
            ((or (eq response 'return) (eq response 13))
@@ -612,6 +612,11 @@ ORIG is `org-insert-link', ARGS are the arguments passed 
to it."
    (hidden-children :initarg :hidden-children
                     :initform (org-real-box-collection)
                     :type org-real-box-collection)
+   (expand-siblings :initarg :expand-siblings
+                    :type function)
+   (expand-children :initarg :expand-children
+                    :type function)
+   (extra-data :initarg :extra-data)
    (level :initarg :level
           :initform 0
           :type number)
@@ -685,12 +690,23 @@ non-nil, skip setting :primary slot on the last box."
 (cl-defmethod org-real--update-visibility ((box org-real-box))
   "Update visibility of BOX and all of its children."
-  (with-slots (level children hidden-children) box
-    (let ((hidden (org-real--get-all hidden-children)))
-      (if (or (= 0 org-real--visibility)
-              (<= level org-real--visibility))
-          (if hidden (cl-rotatef children hidden-children))
-        (if (not hidden) (cl-rotatef children hidden-children))))
+  (with-slots (level children hidden-children expand-children) box
+    (if (or (= 0 org-real--visibility)
+            (<= level org-real--visibility))
+        (progn
+          (when (slot-boundp box :expand-children)
+            (funcall expand-children box)
+            (slot-makeunbound box :expand-children))
+          (if (org-real--get-all hidden-children)
+              (cl-rotatef children hidden-children))
+          (mapc
+           (lambda (child)
+             (with-slots (expand-siblings) child
+               (when (slot-boundp child :expand-siblings)
+                 (funcall expand-siblings child)
+                 (slot-makeunbound child :expand-siblings))))
+           (org-real--get-all children)))
+      (if (not (org-real--get-all hidden-children)) (cl-rotatef children 
     (mapc 'org-real--update-visibility (append (org-real--get-all children)
@@ -720,7 +736,8 @@ button drawn."
                (left (org-real--get-left box))
                (width (org-real--get-width box))
                (height (org-real--get-height box))
-               (double (org-real--get-all hidden-children))
+               (double (or (org-real--get-all hidden-children)
+                           (slot-boundp box :expand-children)))
                (align-bottom (or in-front on-top)))
           (cl-flet* ((draw (coords str &optional primary)
                            (forward-line (- (car coords) (line-number-at-pos)))
@@ -1073,8 +1090,8 @@ PREV must already exist in PARENT."
                      (if (>= x-order cur-x)
                          (setq x-order (+ 1 x-order)))))
-            (oset box :rel-box prev)
             (oset box :rel rel)
+            (oset box :rel-box prev)
             (if (not (slot-boundp box :name)) (setq cur-level 0))
             (let ((visible (or (= 0 org-real--visibility) (<= cur-level 
               (if (and prev (member rel '("in" "on" "behind" "in front of" "on 
top of")))
@@ -1144,22 +1161,53 @@ If EXCLUDE-CHILDREN, only retrieve sibling boxes."
     (with-slots (children) box
       (apply 'append (mapcar 'org-real--expand (org-real--get-all 
+(cl-defmethod org-real--primary-boxes ((box org-real-box))
+  "Get a list of boxes from BOX which have no further relatives."
+  (if (slot-boundp box :name)
+      (if-let ((next-boxes (org-real--next box)))
+          (apply 'append (mapcar 'org-real--primary-boxes next-boxes))
+        (list box))
+    (with-slots (children) box
+      (apply 'append (mapcar 'org-real--primary-boxes (org-real--get-all 
+(cl-defmethod org-real--find-matching ((search-box org-real-box) (world 
+  "Find and add box to WORLD with a matching name as SEARCH-BOX."
+  (when (slot-boundp search-box :name)
+    (with-slots ((search-name name)) search-box
+      (seq-find
+       (lambda (box)
+         (and (slot-boundp box :name)
+              (string= search-name
+                       (with-slots (name) box name))))
+       (org-real--expand world)))))
+(cl-defmethod org-real--add-matching ((box org-real-box) (match org-real-box))
+  "Add relatives of BOX to MATCH."
+  (oset match :primary (or (with-slots (primary) match primary)
+                           (with-slots (primary) box primary)))
+  (oset match :locations (append (with-slots (locations) match locations)
+                                 (with-slots (locations) box locations)))
+  (let ((world (org-real--get-world match)))
+    (mapc
+     (lambda (next)
+       (if (not (org-real--find-matching next world))
+           (org-real--add-next next match)))
+     (org-real--next box))))
 (cl-defmethod org-real--merge-into ((from org-real-box) (to org-real-box))
   "Merge FROM box into TO box."
-  (let ((from-boxes (reverse (org-real--expand from)))
-        (to-boxes (org-real--expand to)))
-    (unless (seq-some
-             (lambda (from-box)
-               (seq-some
-                (lambda (to-box)
-                  (when (and (slot-boundp from-box :name)
-                             (slot-boundp to-box :name)
-                             (string= (with-slots (name) from-box name)
-                                      (with-slots (name) to-box name)))
-                    (org-real--add-matching from-box to-box)
-                    t))
-                  to-boxes))
-             from-boxes)
+  (let (match-found)
+    (mapc
+     (lambda (from-box)
+       (let ((match (org-real--find-matching from-box to)))
+         (while (and (not match) (slot-boundp from-box :rel-box))
+           (setq from-box (with-slots (rel-box) from-box rel-box))
+           (setq match (org-real--find-matching from-box to)))
+         (when match
+           (setq match-found t)
+           (org-real--add-matching from-box match))))
+     (org-real--primary-boxes from))
+    (unless match-found
       (let ((all-from-children (with-slots (children hidden-children) from
                                  (append (org-real--get-all children)
@@ -1168,24 +1216,13 @@ If EXCLUDE-CHILDREN, only retrieve sibling boxes."
               (org-real--flex-add (car all-from-children) to)
             (org-real--flex-add from to)))))))
-(cl-defmethod org-real--add-matching ((box org-real-box)
-                                      (match org-real-box))
-  "Add relatives to BOX to MATCH.
-MATCH is used to set the :rel-box and :parent slots on relatives
-of BOX."
-  (oset match :primary (or (with-slots (primary) match primary)
-                           (with-slots (primary) box primary)))
-  (oset match :locations (append (with-slots (locations) match locations)
-                                 (with-slots (locations) box locations)))
-  (mapc
-   (lambda (next)
-     (org-real--add-next next match))
-   (org-real--next box)))
 (cl-defmethod org-real--add-next ((next org-real-box)
-                                  (prev org-real-box))
-  "Add NEXT to world according to its relationship to PREV."
+                                  (prev org-real-box)
+                                  &optional force-visible)
+  "Add NEXT to world according to its relationship to PREV.
+If FORCE-VISIBLE, show the box regardless of
@@ -1202,6 +1239,7 @@ of BOX."
+           extra-data
            (next-level level)
            (next-y y-order)
            (next-x x-order)
@@ -1209,7 +1247,17 @@ of BOX."
            (next-in-front in-front)
            (next-on-top on-top))
-        (let ((next-boxes (org-real--next next)))
+        (let* ((next-boxes (org-real--next next))
+               (partitioned (seq-group-by
+                             (lambda (next-next)
+                               (with-slots (rel) next-next
+                                 (if (member rel '("in" "on" "behind" "in 
front of" "on top of"))
+                                     'children
+                                   'siblings)))
+                             next-boxes))
+               (children-boxes (alist-get 'children partitioned))
+               (sibling-boxes (alist-get 'siblings partitioned)))
+          (setq extra-data partitioned)
            ((member rel '("to the left of" "to the right of"))
             (setq next-level prev-level)
@@ -1265,24 +1313,33 @@ of BOX."
             (setq next-behind prev-behind)))
           (if (not (slot-boundp next :name)) (setq next-level 0))
           (oset next :rel-box prev)
-          (let ((visible (or (= 0 org-real--visibility) (<= next-level 
+          (let* ((visible (or force-visible (= 0 org-real--visibility) (<= 
next-level org-real--visibility))))
              ((member rel '("in front of" "on top of"))
               (oset next :parent prev)
               (if visible
                   (setq children (org-real--push children next))
                 (setq hidden-children (org-real--push hidden-children next))))
-              ((member rel '("in" "on" "behind"))
-               (org-real--flex-add next prev))
-              (t
-               (oset next :parent parent)
-               (if visible
-                   (setq siblings (org-real--push siblings next))
-                 (setq hidden-siblings (org-real--push hidden-siblings 
-          (mapc
-           (lambda (next-next)
-             (org-real--add-next next-next next))
-           next-boxes))))))
+             ((member rel '("in" "on" "behind"))
+              (org-real--flex-add next prev))
+             (t
+              (oset next :parent parent)
+              (if visible
+                  (setq siblings (org-real--push siblings next))
+                (setq hidden-siblings (org-real--push hidden-siblings next)))))
+            (if children-boxes
+                (oset next :expand-children
+                      '(lambda (box)
+                         (mapc
+                          (lambda (child) (org-real--add-next child box))
+                          (alist-get 'children (oref box :extra-data))))))
+            (if sibling-boxes
+                (oset next :expand-siblings
+                      '(lambda (box)
+                         (mapc
+                          (lambda (sibling) (org-real--add-next sibling box t))
+                          (alist-get 'siblings (oref box 
 (cl-defmethod org-real--flex-add ((box org-real-box)
                                   (parent org-real-box))
@@ -1400,7 +1457,7 @@ characters if possible."
                             (org-real--make-dirty world)
                             (oset box :y-order last-sibling-y)
                             (oset box :x-order (+ 1 
-    (mapc 'org-real--flex-adjust (org-real--get-all children))))
+    (mapc 'org-real--flex-adjust-helper (org-real--get-all children))))
 (cl-defmethod org-real--apply-level ((box org-real-box) level)
   "Apply LEVEL to BOX and update all of its children."
@@ -1414,34 +1471,73 @@ characters if possible."
 (cl-defmethod org-real--add-headline (headline
                                       (parent org-real-box))
   "Add HEADLINE to world as a child of PARENT."
-  (let* ((pos (org-element-property :begin headline))
-         (rel (or (org-entry-get pos "REL") "in"))
-         (box (org-real-box :name (org-element-property :title headline)
-                            :rel rel
-                            :rel-box parent
-                            :parent parent
-                            :locations (list (set-marker (point-marker) pos))
-                            :in-front (string= rel "in front of")
-                            :on-top (string= rel "on top of")
-                            :y-order (cond
-                                      ((string= rel "in front of") 1.0e+INF)
-                                      ((string= rel "on top of") -1.0e+INF)
-                                      (t 0))
-                            :primary t)))
-    (if (= 1 (with-slots (level) parent level))
-        (org-real--flex-add box parent)
-      (org-real--add-next box parent))
-    (mapc
-     (lambda (h)
-       (org-real--add-headline h box))
-     (cddr headline))))
+  (with-slots (locations (parent-level level)) parent
+    (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer (car locations))
+      (let* ((partitioned (seq-group-by
+                           (lambda (h)
+                             (let ((child-rel (or (org-entry-get 
(org-element-property :begin h) "REL") "in")))
+                               (if (member child-rel '("in" "on" "behind" "in 
front of" "on top of"))
+                                   'children
+                                 'siblings)))
+                           (cddr headline)))
+             (children (alist-get 'children partitioned))
+             (siblings (alist-get 'siblings partitioned))
+             (pos (org-element-property :begin headline))
+             (rel (or (org-entry-get pos "REL") "in"))
+             (level (if (member rel '("in" "on" "behind" "in front of" "on top 
+                        (+ 1 parent-level)
+                      parent-level))
+             (box (org-real-box :name (org-element-property :title headline)
+                                :rel rel
+                                :level level
+                                :rel-box parent
+                                :parent parent
+                                :locations (list (set-marker (point-marker) 
+                                :in-front (string= rel "in front of")
+                                :on-top (string= rel "on top of")
+                                :y-order (cond
+                                          ((string= rel "in front of") 
+                                          ((string= rel "on top of") -1.0e+INF)
+                                          (t 0))
+                                :primary t)))
+        (org-real--add-next box parent)
+        (oset box :extra-data partitioned)
+        (if children
+            (oset box :expand-children
+                  '(lambda (box)
+                     (mapc
+                      (lambda (h) (org-real--add-headline h box))
+                      (alist-get 'children (oref box :extra-data))))))
+        (if siblings
+            (oset box :expand-siblings
+                  '(lambda (box)
+                     (mapc
+                      (lambda (h) (org-real--add-headline h box))
+                      (alist-get 'siblings (oref box :extra-data))))))))))
 (cl-defmethod org-real--cycle-children ((box org-real-box))
   "Cycle visibility of children of BOX."
   (lambda ()
-    (with-slots (children hidden-children) box
-      (cl-rotatef children hidden-children))
+    (with-slots (children hidden-children expand-children expanded) box
+      (if (slot-boundp box :expand-children)
+          (progn
+            (funcall expand-children box)
+            (slot-makeunbound box :expand-children)
+            (if (org-real--get-all hidden-children)
+                (cl-rotatef children hidden-children)))
+        (cl-rotatef children hidden-children))
+      (let (fully-expanded)
+        (while (not fully-expanded)
+          (setq fully-expanded t)
+          (mapc
+           (lambda (child)
+             (with-slots (expand-siblings) child
+               (when (slot-boundp child :expand-siblings)
+                 (setq fully-expanded nil)
+                 (funcall expand-siblings child)
+                 (slot-makeunbound child :expand-siblings))))
+           (org-real--get-all children)))))
     (let ((top (org-real--get-top box))
           (left (org-real--get-left box)))
@@ -1451,48 +1547,49 @@ characters if possible."
 ;;;; Org real mode buttons
-(defun org-real--jump-other-window (markers)
-  "Jump to location of link in other window.
-MARKERS is a list of locations of each button in the buffer."
-  (let ((i 0))
+(defun org-real--jump-other-window (box)
+  "Jump to location of link for BOX in other window."
+  (with-slots (locations) box
     (lambda ()
-      (let* ((marker (nth i markers))
+      (let ((first (car locations)))
+        (object-remove-from-list box :locations first)
+        (object-add-to-list box :locations first t))
+      (let* ((marker (car locations))
              (buffer (marker-buffer marker))
              (pos (marker-position marker)))
           (switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer)
-          (goto-char pos))
-        (setq i (mod (+ 1 i) (length markers)))))))
+          (goto-char pos))))))
-(defun org-real--jump-to (marker)
-  "Jump to the first occurrence of a link in the same window.
-MARKER is the position of the first occurrence of the link."
-  (let ((buffer (marker-buffer marker)))
+(defun org-real--jump-to (box)
+  "Jump to the first occurrence of a link for BOX in the same window."
+  (with-slots (locations) box
     (lambda ()
-      (if-let ((window (get-buffer-window buffer)))
-          (select-window window)
-        (switch-to-buffer buffer))
-      (goto-char (marker-position marker)))))
-(defun org-real--jump-all (markers)
-  "View all occurrences of a link in the same window.
+      (let* ((marker (car locations))
+             (buffer (marker-buffer marker))
+             (pos (marker-position marker)))
+        (if-let ((window (get-buffer-window buffer)))
+            (select-window window)
+          (switch-to-buffer buffer))
+        (goto-char pos)))))
-MARKERS is the list of positions of the link."
-  (lambda ()
-    (interactive)
-    (let ((size (/ (window-height) (length markers))))
-      (or (<= window-min-height size)
-          (error "To many buffers to visit simultaneously"))
-      (switch-to-buffer (marker-buffer (car markers)))
-      (goto-char (marker-position (car markers)))
-      (dolist (marker (cdr markers))
-        (select-window (split-window nil size))
+(defun org-real--jump-all (box)
+  "View all occurrences of links from BOX in the same window."
+  (with-slots (locations) box
+    (lambda ()
+      (interactive)
+      (let* ((size (/ (window-height) (length locations)))
+             (marker (car locations)))
+        (or (<= window-min-height size)
+            (error "To many buffers to visit simultaneously"))
         (switch-to-buffer (marker-buffer marker))
-        (goto-char (marker-position marker))))))
+        (goto-char (marker-position marker))
+        (dolist (marker (cdr locations))
+          (select-window (split-window nil size))
+          (switch-to-buffer (marker-buffer marker))
+          (goto-char (marker-position marker)))))))
 (cl-defmethod org-real--create-button-keymap ((box org-real-box))
   "Create a keymap for a button in Org Real mode.
@@ -1503,10 +1600,10 @@ BOX is the box the button is being made for."
       (lambda (key) (cons (kbd (car key)) (cdr key)))
       `(("TAB"       . ,(org-real--cycle-children box))
-        ("o"         . ,(org-real--jump-other-window locations))
-        ("<mouse-1>" . ,(org-real--jump-to (car locations)))
-        ("RET"       . ,(org-real--jump-to (car locations)))
-        ("M-RET"     . ,(org-real--jump-all locations)))))))
+        ("o"         . ,(org-real--jump-other-window box))
+        ("<mouse-1>" . ,(org-real--jump-to box))
+        ("RET"       . ,(org-real--jump-to box))
+        ("M-RET"     . ,(org-real--jump-all box)))))))
 ;;;; Utility expressions
@@ -1588,7 +1685,8 @@ set to the :loc slot of each box."
          (title (or (concat (file-name-base filename) "." (file-name-extension 
          (world (org-real-box))
-         (document (org-real-box :name title)))
+         (document (org-real-box :name title
+                                 :locations (list (point-min-marker)))))
     (org-real--flex-add document world)
      (lambda (headline)
diff --git a/tests/edge-cases.org b/tests/edge-cases.org
index 3c8a2ba..0d41305 100644
--- a/tests/edge-cases.org
+++ b/tests/edge-cases.org
@@ -193,22 +193,28 @@
 * Merging links
-** PASS Merges two boxes
+** PASS Merges a box on top of a box
    #+begin_src org
-     - [[real://thing3/thing2?rel=on top of/thing1?rel=to the right of]]
-     - [[real://thing3/thing2?rel=on top of]]
+     - [[real://thing2/thing1?rel=on top of]]
+     - [[real://thing2/thing1?rel=on top of/above?rel=above]]
-      ┌──────────┐  ┌──────────┐
-      │          │  │          │
-      │  thing2  │  │  thing1  │
-      │          │  │          │
-   ┌──┴──────────┴──┴──────────┴──┐
-   │                              │
-   │  thing3                      │
-   │                              │
-   └──────────────────────────────┘
+   ┌─────────┐
+   │         │
+   │  above  │
+   │         │
+   └─────────┘
+      ┌──────────┐
+      │          │
+      │  thing1  │
+      │          │
+   ┌──┴──────────┴──┐
+   │                │
+   │  thing2        │
+   │                │
+   └────────────────┘

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