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Re: [PATCH] Buffer-local process environments

From: Augusto Stoffel
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Buffer-local process environments
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2021 17:39:07 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

> Now you make me confused again :). I want my process to use different env for
> LANG and LC_TIME, but Emacs should continue to work with old values. 
> Concretely
> I want english date string, but my Emacs should continue to use swedish for 
> it's
> normal use.
> So if I let-bind, it will be reflected only localy in that let scope, and the
> subprocess will inherit that local environment too? That is what I want, and 
> why
> I went via shell command. Forgive me if I am confused. I hope what you said
> above is what I want :-).

If it's a one-off thing, you can always do

    (let ((process-environment (cons "LANG=en" process-environemnt)))

Now, suppose you want to automate this within a certain project.  Then
you want to arrange for

    (setq-local process-environment (cons "LANG=en" process-environemnt))

to be called in every buffer of the project (there are packages out
there to help doing this).  This mostly works, but some commands get
confused when `process-environment' has a buffer-local value.  The patch
is a fix for `compile'.

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