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Re: Rethinking the design of xwidgets

From: Akira Kyle
Subject: Re: Rethinking the design of xwidgets
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2020 10:07:32 -0600
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 28.0.50

Hi Joakim,

On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 04:18 PM, joakim@verona.se wrote:

As the original author of the xwidgets code, I'm happy that you are taking an interest in moving the idea forward, and I like your ideas.

Thanks! And thank you for doing the hard work of initially figuring out how to integrate xwidgets into Emacs' redisplay.

I had these ideas in the same vein originally:

- Use the gnome object system to create and manipulate xwidgets
dynamically. There was a prototype for this in the original xwidget branch. It worked, but it was tedious figuring out how to map between
elisp types and gtk types.

- In those cases when the gobject bridge didnt behave, use the emacs
  module system for shims(the approach you describe above)

My current understanding is that there isn't a plan to have elisp support a ffi, and the dynamic module system should be used instead. Given the small interface of the module system, I can see how it would be very tedious and difficult to figure out how to expose the large gobject and GTK api to elisp purely through the dynamic module system. I think my goal is much less ambitious: Rather then attempting to expose buttons, sliders, cairo surfaces, and all the variety of gtk widgets for elisp to manipulate (which also would be difficult to make portable to other GUI toolkits like cocoa), I simply want to expose a mechanism for a module to add a widget to a buffer. It would be up to the module for defining the right level of abstraction in exposing an elisp interface to the widget it creates.

Some questions:
- The original xwidgets were designed to allow several views to the same xwidget using gtk reflection, as you describe. When I tried using separate gtk controllers on screen, they didnt sync very well. Did you
try this and did it work well?

When I worked on this I tried several different gtk components such as sliders etc. Some of the worked flaky, some worked rather well. What is
you current experience trying different components?

So far I've started pretty simple and just looked at buttons and sliders, where each view gets it's own instance of the widget (so no offscreen rendering). The synchronizing of state is all handled by connecting each view's widget to a common signal handler which then updates the state of all the other views. So far the slider appears to sync its state pretty well across the views, but I have yet to look at more involved widgets.

Anyway, thanks again for having a look at this!

Of course!

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