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Release-blocking bugs for Emacs 27.2

From: Michael Albinus
Subject: Release-blocking bugs for Emacs 27.2
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2020 11:43:32 +0200


The following bugs are regarded as release-blocking for Emacs 27.2.
People are encouraged to work on them with priority.

bug#36006 electric-pair-mode fails to balance in certain cases
bug#41423 27.0.91; eshell file completion in tramp dir is slow (3 minutes) 
[regression on pretest]

If you use the debbugs package from GNU ELPA, you can apply the
following form to see all bugs which block a given release:

  (debbugs-gnu-emacs-release-blocking-reports "27.2")

Best regards, Michael.

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