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Re: Update 1 on Bytecode Offset tracking

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: Update 1 on Bytecode Offset tracking
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2020 22:34:24 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

> Sure, I'll do some more exhaustive testing. So far though, the results
> aren't great, the biggest issue being memory usage. The
> `source-map-read` can GC over 5 times more often than `read`.

Sounds fine for a prototype.

> I think it's more sensible to accept that a real implementation will
> have to be in C and this reader will just remain a prototype.


> Aha, I had never even considered hygienic macros in Elisp (nor had I
> recognized how trivial it is to track their source-code).  That would be
> an amazing development for Emacs Lisp, but is certainly a huge
> undertaking, not something I could fit into the GSoC timeline.

No, I'm just discussing what the longer-run might look like.

> I know that it has been done in Common Lisp (by Pascal Costanza), but
> I believe that implementation serves the sole purpose of capture
> avoidance and doesn't abstract syntax. For Emacs I assume this would
> have to be done in C, but I do wonder if an Elisp implementation would
> be possible.

I haven't thought very much about it, but I can't see any reason why it
would need to be done in C, no (tho I wouldn't be surprised if it could
benefit from a bit of help from the C side, of course).

> Doing the similar thing in Elisp -- relegating source location tracking
> to code using only a specialized kind of macro, hygienic or otherwise --
> would of course be a major loss, since it would take years for that new
> paradigm to become commonplace.

Indeed, we'll need some fallback heuristic for all the existing

Part of the issue is "tracking source location" but another important
part is to take the annotated source code and "de-annotate" it
(recursively) to pass it to the macro, since the macro expects
a raw sexp.

That's why we've been thinking about annotated representations
which are "transparent" (i.e. can be used as if they weren't annotated).
Either using "fat cons-cells" or using "fat symbols" or storing the
annotations in an eq-hash-table.

Another way to attack the problem is to rely on the Edebug spec: you can
refrain from de-annotating all the parts marked as `form` or `body` (as
long as the annotations themselves look sufficiently like normal code,
at least).


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