Hi Suhail,
the mailing list is behaving strangely... I received e-mails saying
that your posts "need approval", but they appeared in the archive -
and mailman says that my list moderator password is wrong...
Anyway, thanks for moving the discussion to the mailing list! Let me
copy my answer here (from <
We have this, modulo comments:
(defun eepitch-shell () (interactive) (eepitch '(shell)))
(defun eepitch-shell2 () (interactive) (eepitch '(shell "*shell 2*")))
(defun eepitch-shell3 () (interactive) (eepitch '(shell "*shell 3*")))
I think that what you are proposing is this:
(defun eepitch-shell-init () (interactive) (eepitch-shell) (eepitch-kill) (eepitch-shell))
(defun eepitch-shell2-init () (interactive) (eepitch-shell2) (eepitch-kill) (eepitch-shell2))
(defun eepitch-shell3-init () (interactive) (eepitch-shell3) (eepitch-kill) (eepitch-shell3))
• (eepitch-shell-init)
• (eepitch-shell)
echo hello
Can you play with it for some time and tell me if you like it?
If you do like it then you'll probably need more tools to make it
easier to use - like a variant of M-T:
(find-elongkey-links "M-T ;; eewrap-eepitch")
(find-efunction 'eewrap-eepitch)
If you find any of these missing tools difficult - or even boring - to
write, just tell me and I'll write them for you!
Cheers, happy hacking, etc =),