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[Dolibarr-tasktrack] [Task #1189] Log of supplier prices in a specific p

From: Doliforge
Subject: [Dolibarr-tasktrack] [Task #1189] Log of supplier prices in a specific product
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2014 16:21:18 +0100

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Log of supplier prices in a specific product

Dernières modifications

02/01/2014 16:21 (Europe/Paris)
Log of supplier prices should be able to be imported from supplier's invoices, isn'it ?
Because I don't save each time a new supplier's price everytime i have to make an order even if i notice the price has changed...
I only notice it when i receive the invoice and compare the prices invoiced, if the price changed I start arguing with my suppplier.



Last Modified On:  08/12/2013 21:38 Submitted on:  08/12/2013 21:38
Submitted by:  Marcos García (marcosgdf) 
Summary:  Log of supplier prices in a specific product
Description:  Users want the same functionality with customer prices for supplier prices so they can track the evolution of the product cost.
Priority:  5 - Medium Open to Any Developer:  No
Subproject:  Module Suppliers Assigned to (multiple):  Aucun
Planned for version:   
Start Date:  - End Date:  -
Completion (0-100%):  0 Status:  Open


Andriolo Hubert 02/01/2014 16:21
Log of supplier prices should be able to be imported from supplier's invoices, isn'it ?
Because I don't save each time a new supplier's price everytime i have to make an order even if i notice the price has changed...
I only notice it when i receive the invoice and compare the prices invoiced, if the price changed I start arguing with my suppplier.

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