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Re: Iterating Glib's GMainLoop with NSRunLoop

From: Ondrej Florian
Subject: Re: Iterating Glib's GMainLoop with NSRunLoop
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2023 23:02:17 +0200
User-agent: GNUMail (Version 1.4.0)

Hi Hugo,

using timer is not that bad and it has been used in the wild.
For example: 

On 2023-09-05 15:28:39 +0200 Hugo Melder <admin@hugomelder.com> wrote:

> Hey,
> I am currently using GStreamer as part of a project, and started using 
> Objective-C for non-GStreamer components of the application.
> The loads of macros and boilerplate were just to much…
> However, I am currently stuck at integrating (At the moment only iterating) 
> the Glib mainloop.
> The Glib provides the GMainLoop, which is similar to NSRunLoop and can be 
> manually iterated:
> loop->is_running = TRUE;
> while (loop->is_running)
>   {
>     g_main_context_iteration (context, TRUE);
>   }
> The second argument of g_main_context_iteration indicates whether the 
> iteration should block.
> I thought about using an NSTimer with a high polling frequency, but that 
> seems like a hack to me. Is there a better way (maybe even a GNUstep specific 
> one) to install a hook into the runloop? The RunLoop Observer APIs does not 
> seem to be available with GNUstep’s NSRunLoop implementation.
> Writing a GMainLoop compatible “class”, and bridging to the NSRunLoop by 
> translating all Glib Events would be a more complex solution.
> Any ideas or tips are welcome :)
> Best Regards,
> Hugo

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