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[Chicken-users] Dynamic Callbacks without SWIG

From: Francisco Rafael Leon
Subject: [Chicken-users] Dynamic Callbacks without SWIG
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 10:20:25 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

Hello all,

I spent some time struggling to get callbacks working with SWIG, but
then decided that there must be an easier way than dealing with SWIG
pointers and C_save and C_callback.  I came up with this (in pure scheme!):

;compile this with csc

(use lolevel)

(define-external (dynfcn (double x)) double 
                 ((global-ref (string->symbol "myfunc")) x))

(load "rest-of-program.scm")


You can then re-define "myfunc" as many times as you wish inside of the
interpreted code "rest-of-program.scm".  External C code can call
"dynfcn", and it will be dynamically bound inside chicken on each call.

Amazingly, this explicit dynamic binding with global-ref seems to work


F. Rafael Leon

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