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Re: [Chicken-users] Segfault - a hard one

From: Ivan Raikov
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Segfault - a hard one
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2008 11:30:35 +0900
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.2 (gnu/linux)

  I second Jim's call for more information and if possible a simpler
program. The program also ran fine on my system (Linux, Chicken
3.3.4), but when I compiled with csc -O2 I get this:

$ ./ttm
Load error in (define aa (with-timeout 3 (lambda () (do () (#f)
#t)))):(timeout) in (define aa (with-timeout 3 (lambda () (do () (#f)
let's do some garbage

out of memory - heap full while resizing - execution terminated

ttm.scm: 66   number->string
ttm.scm: 66   string-append
ttm.scm: 66   number->string
ttm.scm: 66   string-append
ttm.scm: 66   number->string
ttm.scm: 66   string-append
ttm.scm: 66   number->string
ttm.scm: 66   string-append     <--


"Jim Ursetto" <address@hidden> writes:

> Ran okay here.  Do you have more stats about your environment, chicken
> version, a less complicated program that can reproduce the problem,
> etc.?
> $ csc -o ttm ttm.scm
> $ ./ttm
> test
> Load error in (define aa (with-timeout 3 (lambda () (do () (#f)
> #t)))):(timeout) in (define aa (with-timeout 3 (lambda () (do () (#f)
> #t))))
> let's do some garbage
> enough garbage
> done
> let's do some garbage
> enough garbage
> $ csc -V
> Version 3.3.3 - macosx-unix-gnu-x86     [ manyargs dload ptables applyhook ]
> SVN rev. 11260  compiled 2008-07-11 on amaranth.xorinia.dim (Darwin)

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