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Re: #1847: integer overflow when running 6.0.0pre1 tests (2)

From: Chicken Trac
Subject: Re: #1847: integer overflow when running 6.0.0pre1 tests (2)
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 10:12:42 -0000

#1847: integer overflow when running 6.0.0pre1 tests (2)
            Reporter:  Erica Z  |      Owner:  (none)
                Type:  defect   |     Status:  new
            Priority:  major    |  Milestone:  someday
           Component:  unknown  |    Version:  6.0.0
          Resolution:           |   Keywords:
Estimated difficulty:  medium   |

Comment (by sjamaan):

 OK, that helps, after installing clang 19 I'm getting an illegal
 instruction straight away on the first test, with those options you

 How can I get the full runtime (like you mentioned above) in order to get
 better diagnostics? I tried adding `-fsanitize=undefined`, but that just
 results in boatloads of linker errors like the following random snapshot
 from the output:

 c-backend.c:(.text+0xa78ec): undefined reference to
 /nix/store/vk4mlknqk9yjbqa68a7rvpfxfdw3rad7-binutils-2.43.1/bin/ld: user-
 pass.o: in function `C_user_2dpass_toplevel':
 user-pass.c:(.text+0xf5): undefined reference to

 This happens both on NixOS and Debian (after struggling for a while
 figuring out I needed `libclang-rt-19-dev` to get
 `libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone.a`). Is there some magic option I need to
 pass to make it work?

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