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#1765: enable-warnings time-travelling shenanigans

From: Chicken Trac
Subject: #1765: enable-warnings time-travelling shenanigans
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2021 10:44:49 -0000

#1765: enable-warnings time-travelling shenanigans
            Reporter:  Idiomdrottning  |       Type:  defect
              Status:  new             |   Priority:  major
           Milestone:  someday         |  Component:  unknown
             Version:  5.2.0           |   Keywords:  REPL
Estimated difficulty:                  |
 (import miscmacros (chicken condition))
   (bound-procedure? name)
      (procedure? name)))

 (enable-warnings #f)
 (define wtf (bound-procedure? if))
 (enable-warnings #t)

 ;; ↑↑ quietly and politely evals to #f

   (enable-warnings #f)
   (define wtf (bound-procedure? if))
  (enable-warnings #t)

 ;; ↑↑ expands to a let form (which is fine of course) and complains in
 ;; the REPL because warnings apply retroactively to the entire form.

 I've tried enabling the warnings via (let ((ret ...)) enable ret) dynamic-
 wind or via force/delay or via just a lambda that gets called, but no
 matter how I do it, it retroactively wants to print warnings.

 I even did

 (define (re-enable-warnings val ret)
   (enable-warnings val)

 (re-enable-warnings #f (bound-procedure? if))

 ;;; politely evals to #f

 (re-enable-warnings #t (bound-procedure? if))

 ;;; causes a ruckus

 The time travelling super powers of call-with-current-continuation that
 the REPL uses is haunting me…!

 This just can't be right!

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