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Re: #1762: Maybe/Just Int checker in Silex compilation

From: Chicken Trac
Subject: Re: #1762: Maybe/Just Int checker in Silex compilation
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 2021 16:04:50 -0000

#1762: Maybe/Just Int checker in Silex compilation
            Reporter:  Idiomdrottning     |      Owner:  (none)
                Type:  enhancement        |     Status:  reopened
            Priority:  not urgent at all  |  Milestone:  someday
           Component:  scrutinizer        |    Version:  5.2.0
          Resolution:                     |   Keywords:
Estimated difficulty:                     |

Comment (by Idiomdrottning):

 I was thinking the scrutinizer should just say "might have" instead of
 "has". A little more humbly scrutinizing.

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