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[Chicken-janitors] #1395: scsh-process: tests hang

From: Chicken Trac
Subject: [Chicken-janitors] #1395: scsh-process: tests hang
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 18:49:49 -0000

#1395: scsh-process: tests hang
 Reporter:  mario                      |                 Owner:
     Type:  defect                     |                Status:  new
 Priority:  major                      |             Milestone:  someday
Component:  extensions                 |               Version:  4.12.0
 Keywords:  scsh-process, tests, hang  |  Estimated difficulty:
 For some months now scsh-process' tests have been randomly hanging on the
 Linux salmonella machines (maybe also on the FreeBSD machine?).  When the
 test script hangs, it blocks the whole salmonella execution.  On the Linux
 salmonella machines, it hangs at least twice per week (that's a very
 conservative estimate).

 I've installed a hack on the Linux salmonella machines to periodically
 check if scsh-process' test script is hanging and kill the parent of the
 defunct process (see ec0cffb94f in the chicken-infrastructure repo).

 The bad news is that I cannot reproduce the issue on my machine.  I tried
 to run {{{csi -s run.scm  < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1}}} in a loop and it
 ran flawlessly for more than 3500 iterations.

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