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Re: Bug - GNU tar port for Windows does not support the lz4 compression

From: Christian Schoenebeck
Subject: Re: Bug - GNU tar port for Windows does not support the lz4 compression algorithm
Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2022 20:09:04 +0200

On Sonntag, 7. August 2022 14:58:26 CEST abcedy sou wrote:
>  Hello,
> With GNU tar on Linux you can run tar -I lz4 to run tar with the lz4
> compression algorithm, given that lz4 is installed.
> In the Windows port, when trying to run tar -I lz4, I get the following
> error:
> tar: invalid option -- I

It would help to know which tar implementation and version you are actually 
talking about.

  tar --version

AFAIK Windows ships bsdtar from libarchive.org, not GNU tar.

Best regards,
Christian Schoenebeck

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